The Aries Zodiac Sign: Complete Aries Horoscope

  Element: Fire

  Color: Red

  Quality: Cardinal

  Day: Tuesday

  Ruler: Mars

  Greatest Compatibility: Libra, Leo

  Lucky Numbers: 1, 8, 17

  Dates: March 21 - April 19


Aries Personality Traits

  Strengths: Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate

  Weaknesses: Impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, aggressive

  Aries likes: Comfortable clothes, taking on leadership roles, physical challenges, individual sports

  Aries dislikes: Inactivity, delays, work that does not use one's talents

  As the first sign in the zodiac, Aries' presence always marks the beginning of something energetic and turbulent. They are continuously seeking dynamic experiences, speed, and competition, always striving to be first in everything from work to social gatherings. With its ruling planet Mars and belonging to the element of Fire (like Leo and Sagittarius), Aries is one of the most active zodiac signs. It is in their nature to take action, sometimes before thinking things through.

  The Sun's position in such high dignity gives them excellent organizational skills, and it's rare to meet an Aries who isn't capable of finishing several tasks at once. However, challenges arise when they become impatient, aggressive, and vent their anger towards others. Strong personalities born under this sign have a task to fight for their goals, embracing togetherness and teamwork throughout their life.

  Aries rules the head and often leads with it, literally walking head-first and leaning forward for speed and focus. They are naturally brave, rarely afraid of trial and risk, and possess youthful strength and energy, regardless of their age, allowing them to quickly perform any given task, and achieve their goals.

  The Flying Ram is the symbol for Aries, guided by the story of the Golden Fleece. An Aries is ready to be the hero of the day, to fly away and carry many endangered and powerless people on their back. The power of the ram is carried on its back, for it is the gold itself, shiny and attractive to those ready for betrayal. The story of glory that isn't easy to carry is in the ram's two horns, and if this animal doesn't get shorn, allowing change and giving someone a warm shoulder, they won't have much to receive from the world. Each Aries has the task of willingly sharing their position, power, gold, or physical strength with others, or else the energy will be stopped in its natural flow, fear will take over, and the process of giving and receiving will hold balance at zero.


Aries Love, Sex & Compatibility

  Aries is a fire sign that needs to take the initiative when it comes to romance. They tend to express their feelings to the person they are in love with without giving it much thought. The compatibility of Aries with other signs of the zodiac can be very complex. When in love, Aries may shower their loved one with affection, sometimes excessively, while forgetting to check the information they receive in return. They are very passionate, energetic, and love adventures. Aries is a passionate lover, and can sometimes become addicted to the pleasures of the flesh and sexual encounters.

  Their opposing sign is Libra, which is the sign of relating, tact, and diplomacy, and represents the furthest point from their natural personality. This can cause problems in their romantic relationships, as they may not have enough patience and focus on their partner, preferring to rely on their passionate approach. They need to embrace all aspects of Venus, including love, tenderness, joy, peaceful satisfaction, and foreplay. However, their partner should keep in mind that Aries needs adrenaline and excitement every day, and their relationship can only be strong and long-lasting if their primal needs are met.

  While an Aries may often turn inward and loudly respect their own boundaries, they are highly compatible with certain signs of the zodiac. Discover which signs are most compatible with Aries below:


Aries Friends and Family

  Friends - The social life of an Aries representative is always moving, warm, and filled with new encounters. They are tolerant of the people they come in contact with, respectful of different personalities, and open to the unique perspectives that others can offer. Their circle of friends needs a wide range of diverse individuals, as they seek different views on personal matters they don't know how to resolve. Since people born under the sign of Aries easily engage in communication, they are direct and honest in their approach, making an incredible number of connections and acquaintances throughout their lifetime. However, they often end many of these relationships due to dishonesty and unclear intentions. Long-term friendships in their lives will come with those who are just as energetic and brave, willing to share their thoughts and feelings at any time.

  Family - As independent and ambitious individuals, Aries often know where they want to go at a young age, separating themselves from their families early on. Even as children, they can be challenging to control, and if they don't receive enough love and patience from their parents, their intimate bonds later in life could suffer. A lot of anger comes from the sign of Aries when too many restrictions come their way, and they will only nurture their familial bonds with an easy flow when they come from liberal families. Even when this isn't the case, they will take on family obligations when necessary and never refuse more work, as if their pool of energy is infinite.


Aries Career and Money

  The professional world is where Aries shines the brightest. Their working environment is the perfect place for their ambition and creativity to flourish, with their natural leadership skills making them prefer giving orders over receiving them. Their quick thinking and vast energy helps them stay ahead of everyone else. To succeed, Aries needs to stay focused on their chosen path and avoid being swayed by emotions. When faced with a challenge, an Aries will quickly assess the situation and find a solution. Competition doesn't bother them and instead it encourages them to shine even brighter. They can excel in careers in sports and challenging environments, and enjoy their chosen path as managers, policemen, soldiers, etc.

  Although Aries representatives can be wise and save money for a rainy day, they tend to prioritize the joy of spending and taking risks. They live in the present and are not always focused on the future which can make them hasty and irrational when it comes to financial decisions. However, they always seem to find a way to earn money and compensate for what they have spent, with a natural flow of energy that needs to be invested wisely.


Aries Man: A Lover's Guide

  Independence is key to understanding an Aries, as they prefer not to take orders from others. To seduce an Aries man, you need to play by his rules. This man often finds the chase more thrilling than the catch, and his conquering nature often leads him to pursue partners he can't have. To get his attention, play hard to get and send him a message that he must fight for the prize and win the person he truly desires.

  This man loves a good challenge and wants to be his partner's "knight in shining armor". He needs to be allowed to take charge from time to time and his life partner might need to stand up to him during a fight, building strong boundaries and earning his respect. On a bad day, an Aries can be self-centered, arrogant, and stubborn, but he is also courageous, adventurous, and passionate. A relationship with an Aries man can be fun and exciting but can also easily end if their partner fail recognize the energy needed for the relationship to last.


Aries Woman: A Lover's Guide

  Aries women are known for their fearlessness and natural leadership qualities. They are energetic, charismatic, dynamic, and love challenges and adventures. To catch the attention of an Aries woman, it's important to let her seduce you and appeal to her independent nature. Women born under the Aries zodiac sign are extremely passionate and sexual, which makes them irresistible to the opposite sex. They are constantly on the move and won't let themselves be overpowered by a man, while at the same time craving love and trying to maintain control.

  To attract an Aries woman, you must take action but not give the impression of taking control. She needs to be free to show initiative and fight for affection from her loved one, expecting the same in return. Once she falls in love, she will be extremely faithful, but can also be overly jealous at times. Dating her will require giving her all the attention she needs and dedicating time and constant effort to prove your love. Confident and domineering, she does not just need someone to follow but someone who is equally energetic and strong. A relationship with an Aries woman can be mostly fascinating, full of adventure and excitement, but only if you're ready to take on a less dominant role from time to time.


Additional Information

Aries Man- information and insights on the aries man.

Aries Woman- information and insights on the aries woman.