Horoscope Today: September 12, 2024
Horoscope Today: September 12, 2024
Sep 20, 2024 8:11 PM

Stuck in a loop, Taurus? Its time to hit the reset button. Start by becoming aware of your negative thoughts—catch yourself when you’re slipping into that downward spiral. A good way to flip the script: practising gratitude daily + saying your affirmations out loud. If you’ve been thinking of prioritising movement, this is your cosmic cue to do so! Take a walk, make time for a good ol’ vinyasa flow, sweat it out on the dance floor or amidst the fairies in the forest, if you prefer! Gemini, feeling a bit lost lately? Like you’re searching for something, but you’re not quite sure what? Here’s the thing: sometimes, losing your way is exactly what you need to find your way back to what really matters. Disillusionment isn’t always a bad thing—it’s actually a wake-up call from the universe, nudging you to leave behind what no longer feels right and seek something more meaningful. So, what now? Take this moment to reconnect with your sense of purpose. Aquarius, it’s time to talk about the not-so-glamorous secret to success: consistency. Yep, you heard it right! That thing we all love to roll our eyes at, but deep down, we know its what keeps the magic going and the juices flowing. This week, focus on your routines and daily habits. Whether it’s setting aside time to work on your side hustle, hitting the gym, or just making sure you’re drinking enough water—small, steady steps will enable you to progress in the right direction. 

So, what does the day ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s find out. Remember, these are guidance-based soulscopes that can be read according to your sun, moon, and rising. Pick what resonates with you the most! 

Aries Horoscope Today: September 12, 2024

Let’s talk money mindset, Aries. If you’re caught in a loop of scarcity thinking or you’re convinced there’s “never enough”, it’s time to rewrite the story. Start by reminding yourself that you’re worthy. You’re worthy of all that you desire and deserve. Make that shift by affirming all that is blessed and beautiful *and* being thankful for the bounty that is your life. ‘Course adopting an abundance mindset doesn't mean spending mindlessly on things that are of little use to you (dare we say, to fill a void!) Make a budget and stick to it like a boss. Putting some coins aside for the future won’t hurt either.

Cosmic tip: Be thankful for the bounty that is your life.

Taurus Horoscope Today: September 12, 2024

Stuck in a loop, Taurus? It's time to hit the reset button. Start by becoming aware of your negative thoughts—catch yourself when you’re slipping into that downward spiral. A good way to flip the script: practising gratitude daily + saying your affirmations out loud. If you’ve been thinking of prioritising movement, this is your cosmic cue to do so! Take a walk, make time for a good ol’ vinyasa flow, sweat it out on the dance floor or amidst the fairies in the forest, if you prefer! Those feel-good hormones promise to remind you of all that is blessed and beautiful in your life.

Cosmic tip: Sometimes, you’ve just got to dance it out!

Gemini Horoscope Today: September 12, 2024

Gemini, feeling a bit lost lately? Like you’re searching for something, but you’re not quite sure what? Here’s the thing: sometimes, losing your way is exactly what you need to find your way back to what really matters. Disillusionment isn’t always a bad thing—it’s actually a wake-up call from the universe, nudging you to leave behind what no longer feels right and seek something more meaningful. So, what now? Take this moment to reconnect with your sense of purpose. Ask yourself important questions: What lights you up? What makes you feel truly alive? Don’t be afraid to explore new paths, even if they seem a little uncertain or risky. As always, remember your inner compass will never lead you astray.

Cosmic tip: Know that sometimes losing your way is exactly how you find your next great adventure!

Cancer Horoscope Today: September 12, 2024

It’s official, Cancer! This is your moment to rise from the ashes—stronger, wiser, sexier and more unhinged than ever before (did we say unhinged?) Let go of what’s weighing you down—the dated beliefs, the negative thought patterns and the toxic lovers. Trust that this breakdown is leading to a breakthrough, even though you cannot see this from where you are standing. So, take a deep breath, feel your feelings (all of them), and know that you're on the brink of something truly wonderful.

Cosmic tip: There’s a rainbow beyond the clouds, beautiful!

Leo Horoscope Today: September 12, 2024

Today, the cards are encouraging you to take a break from the external clamour and turn your gaze inwards. Start by carving out a few minutes each day for stillness. Find a comfortable spot, close your eyes, and simply focus on your breath. Let your thoughts come and go: watch them float by like clouds in the sky. No judgements—just pure, unfiltered observation. You’ll be surprised how much clarity and peace you will find in the process. What’s more, the cards want you to know that you have a direct hotline to the Divine. Trust that the answers you are seeking will find their way to you.

Cosmic tip: Tune into your inner world.

Virgo Horoscope Today: September 12, 2024

If things have been topsy-turvy around here, we have good news for you, Virgo. You’re stepping into a period of hope and healing. As a way to honour this shift, turn your gaze inwards. Carve out some time for journaling and self-reflection. Think about all the ways you’ve grown and transformed over the past few years. What challenges have you overcome? What lessons have you learned? And how has this journey shaped who you are today? Here’s a juicy journal prompt for the week ahead: “What parts of myself have I healed, and how can I celebrate the new version of me that’s emerged?”

Cosmic tip: Grab that pen and let the magic flow. Your higher self is talking to you loud and clear right now.

Libra Horoscope Today: September 12, 2024

Eclipse season reminder: you’ve gotta trust the process, Libra. You’ve gotta trust that what’s being taken away from you is making space for something more magnificent. For now, follow the path of least resistance. Consciously let go of your attachments to the things, people and places that have served their purpose. What’s more, you’re being guided to introspect on your beliefs around money as well. Making wise investments at this time will take you closer to your goal of financial freedom.

Cosmic tip: How are you being guided to move differently?

Scorpio Horoscope Today: September 12, 2024

Weekly reminder, Scorpio: you are a manifesting maven, blessed with the ability to turn your ideas into “gold”. Instead of repeating the negative thoughts, visualise the best possible outcome and make your way there with ease, joy and grace. The entire universe is conspiring to get you in alignment with the life you desire and deserve, beautiful. But, here’s the paradox: the journey is as important as the destination. 

That’s where you find the lessons, the growth, and all the juicy bits of wisdom that make you wiser, stronger and sexier. So find joy in the process and allow yourself to be a hot mess, every once in a while. You’re going to look back at this time with gratitude in your heart.

Cosmic tip: You are a manifesting maven, blessed with the ability to turn your ideas into “gold”. 

Sagittarius Horoscope Today: September 12, 2024

The themes of success, victory, and recognition are showing up in your cards. You’re on the path to achieving great things, and the spotlight is shining brightly on you. Take a bow knowing that your hard work and determination are paying off big time, Sagittarius! But as you ride this wave of triumph, remember to stay humble. To have your feet on the ground. Remember to acknowledge the support of team members who’ve helped you along the way—and express your gratitude for the opportunities that held space for you to elevate.

Cosmic tip: You are being celebrated for all that you bring to the table.

Capricorn Horoscope Today: September 12, 2024

It’s wild how the Universe finds a way to make our wildest dreams come true! But you know all about being Destiny’s favourite child, don’t you? So, take a moment to breathe and be present to the magic that surrounds you. Take a moment to appreciate that you are now in the reality you manifested for yourself a long time ago. What Spirit is reminding you: it’s time to make space for more joy and more pleasure. On a side note, if you’ve thinking about relocation or long-distance travel, now is the time to get your paperwork in order.

Cosmic tip: Hello, Destiny’s favourite favourite child!

Aquarius Horoscope Today: September 12, 2024

It's time to talk about the not-so-glamorous secret to success: consistency. Yep, you heard it right! That thing we all love to roll our eyes at, but deep down, we know it's what keeps the magic going and the juices flowing. This week, focus on your routines and daily habits. Whether it’s setting aside time to work on your side hustle, hitting the gym, or just making sure you’re drinking enough water—small, steady steps will enable you to progress in the right direction. Bottomline: get up and show up, even when the demons of complacency strike. Your ability to stay the course (even when things seem mundane), will prove to be a superpower right.

Cosmic tip: Get up, show up!

Pisces Horoscope Today: September 12, 2024

You’re tired. You’re tired of the lies, the deceit, and the drama. You want the whole truth, and you want it now. Start by reprogramming your mind, Pisces. By believing that you deserve the moon and the stars. This will enable you to hold space for that uncomfortable conversation you’ve been avoiding and consciously cut cords with anything or anybody that takes you away from your centre. ‘Course that doesn’t mean you should move through life with an armour on. Recognise who is supporting you at this time and gently let them into your circle. Just a reminder: you came here to love and be loved just as you are, beautiful!

Cosmic tip: You deserve the moon and the stars.

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