Are you feeling less-than-awesome about yourself lately?
Well, that’s bananas, because you’re the cat’s meow.
But our self-esteem sometimes waxes and wanes, much like the tides of the Moon, and we need a boost every now and then to remind ourselves that we’re made of stardust and spice and everything nice.
When our self-esteem is on the lower end of the scale, we’re more likely to make decisions that don’t serve us in the long run. Ever had one-cocktail-too-many at the end of a hard day, or found that that box of chocolates didn’t quite hit the emotional spot?
Why not try a self-esteem boosting technique that relaxes your body and your mind while improving your self-esteem for the long run?
Yoga is an incredibly effective practice for bringing yourself awareness, relaxation, confidence, balance, inner peace, and mindfulness. But, did you know that there are actually certain poses that will work to boost your self-esteem naturally?
Let’s take a look at the best yoga poses to amplify your confidence and leave you feeling like an electrified rock star.
When practicing this pose, envision roots spreading from your feet into the earth, connecting you firmly to the ground. Feel the power resonating from your feet, spreading upward and outward throughout your body.
While in upward facing dog, imagine confidence building in your belly and spreading throughout your entire body, filling you with self-assurance and determination.
When settling into this pose, take a deep breath and imagine confidence filling your lungs. As you breathe out, imagine those golden rays of confidence penetrating every cell within your body, elevating your vibrations and lifting your spirit.
In this pose, you might have the tendency to look down, but keep your gaze focused ahead and your chin up to promote a sense of self-assuredness. Imagine yourself unfolding and blossoming like a lotus flower, allowing the world to see your majestic beauty.
In this pose, gaze toward the heavens and imagine a beaming ray of light emerging from your heart and reaching straight to the moon. Imagine an eternal connect between yourself and her mysteries. This pose is especially effective when practice under the moonlight.
So settle into your pose of choice, and breathe in the luminescent light of confidence that longs to look over you and guide you along your journey.
Related Article: How Astrology and Yoga Work Together to Bring You Inner Peace and Stillness