Among other things, these are the most common areas the 12th house in astrology reveals to us. The zodiac sign you have in this house will deeply influence how you relate to and experience these qualities in your life.
Confinement and limitations Secretive behaviorsWhat you are hiding from others—and even yourselfHidden talentsDreams and the unconsciousCreativity Endings, karma, and past life influences
Where you’ve limited yourself, you can also free yourself if you choose.
This is also the last house of the zodiac, where the residual energy from the other houses land.
Think of it as a circle, with the 1st house being the beginning, the other houses being the stepping stones along the way, and the 12th house is the ending. It’s where your unrealized potential awaits for you to unlock it.
Read next: How to Read Your Birth Chart like an Astrologer
You’ve heard of the term, “the secret of my success.” That’s because successful people don’t share everything there is to know about why they’re successful! They have to keep some things hidden so their ideas and their formulas are protected.
Not all secrets are good, though.
The 12th house speaks to our secretive behaviors…and it’s also the area of your chart that might indicate addictions. Addictions are often secretive because people don’t want others to know how dependent they are on something.
This is also the house of secret enemies—unlike the open enemies of the 7th house.
There’s both illusion and delusion here and it is up to you which one you’re going to embrace. Escapism of all sorts are attributed to this house, but very often that evasion fuels creativity. Who hasn’t heard of artists and writers locking themselves away in order to tap into their imagination and self-expression? The 12th house has what it takes for you to be very creative and productive indeed; it just takes work and discipline.
This is the last house of the zodiac, so it’s naturally associated with endings. People often look to the 12th house for karma and past life influences, the last thing you brought into this lifetime with you. It’s also a place for bringing things to a close, particularly when a planet is making a transit to this area of your chart.
This is where it’s advantageous to analyze the transits and see what aspects are being made. What needs to be cleared out before the new cycle starts? That can be anything from your next trip around the Sun to the next transit of Saturn, to your next lifetime.
This is also the last house in your chart and it’s only fitting it also reveals endings.
Your birth chart can truly help you lead your best life by giving you more profound insight into your personality and who you are.
Catch up: All About the 11th House of Friendships in Astrology & Start at the beginning: All About the 1st House of Self in Astrology