Let’s get one thing straight: there’s nothing wrong with being alone on Valentine’s Day. In fact, it can be even more fun to have the freedom to explore yourself and practice self-love if you do find yourself feeling particularly despondent.
Join us on this quest if you’re alone this Valentine’s Day, and together we will manifest positive feelings so you can fall in love with yourself this year. Using the powerful tool of the Tarot, we will go on this adventure together. You don’t even need to have a Tarot deck, you can use our free online Tarot readings.
Let’s get started!
Even having an idea of how you want to feel versus how you’re feeling in the moment will allow the Tarot to guide you.
Some great sample questions to ask the Tarot on Valentine’s Day are
What can I release to feel positive?What can I focus on to feel positive?How can I feel more confident about myself?Do you see how the question is essential to getting the guidance that you need? If you spend time getting clear on your question and what you want to gain from your Tarot reading, you’ll get a lot more information that you can actually work with.
In a past, present, future three-card spread, the Tarot will show you the past in relation to your question, where you’re at currently, and how best to direct your energy for the future. This interpretation is open-ended, meaning that you’re creating your future and becoming aware that the current projection of your energy. Then, you can shift that energy to change your projected future. This empowering way of using the Tarot puts the steering wheel in your hands so that you can choose to focus on positive thoughts and thus redirect the outcome of your Valentine’s Day to be one that is personally fulfilling and satisfying – no matter your relationship status.
Read the interpretation of each card and see how each card answers part of or all of your question. We always recommend that you write down in a Tarot journal the date, what question you came to the Tarot with, which cards you pulled and in what order, and the insights that come to you. This way, your interpretations will be clearer and you can revisit your reading, later on, to get a different perspective if you feel the need to.
Most people, especially newcomers to Tarot, find Tarot reading to be a lot easier expected because all of the answers to finding happiness become accessible when we trust our intuition and that that looking within will light the way to happiness. Tarot reading is a process of trust. Relax, let the Tarot cards speak, and trust that your inner voice is guiding you in the right direction. Tarot reading activates a state of trust that allows joy to be accessed from its source: directly from the soul.
For example, pulling the 3 of Cups card suggests it’s time to be around some high-vibe friends. You can pull just one more card (sometimes known as a “clarifying card”) to ask the Tarot what type of activity would be a good idea or which friends to reach out to. Sometimes spending the day with a person you least expected to can be exactly what you didn’t know you needed.
Again, write down your follow-up question, and journal about what insights are revealed by the clarifying card(s) you pull. Now you can see a clear path to manifesting positivity on Valentine’s Day – all thanks to the power of the Tarot.
Tarot is often thought of merely as a tool to predict the future or to find out what someone else is feeling, yet people are missing the true power Tarot has to guide us to create the reality we desire. Do not attempt to use the Tarot to control or manipulate anyone else’s feelings; rather, look to guide your own thoughts and emotions to attract positive vibrations and experiences. When we take responsibility for the energy we create, we harness our power to transform our lives.
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