Here’s what’s on the menu for our upcoming eclipse season. Get ready for change, as that is always, without fail, the nature of these celestial events. On the line up is the July 12th New Moon partial solar eclipse in Cancer, followed by the July 27th Full Moon total lunar eclipse in Aquarius, topped off with the August 11th New Moon in Leo partial solar eclipse.
If that sounds completely confusing, don’t worry. That’s what we are here to help you with. Our job is to take this complex astrology stuff and make it easy for you understand how it works and how to use it. This can feel like a chaotic time for those getting pushed around by the energy of the Sun and Moon without the astrology saddle on their cosmic horse.
The most important thing to know about the eclipse season, as we call it, is that everyone will experience change of some sort. Watch as the people around you move, change jobs, enter and exit relationships, and make announcements. Regardless of if you’re aware of the eclipses going on, you’ll be affected by them.
If you planted any seeds during the last eclipse season, the things you set in motion will mature now. Get excited to step into a new reality!
However, it’s also a very positive event. As with all New Moons, this is the beginning of something. Set your sights high and create a plan to go forward after what you desire. You can expect this plan to bring something at the Full Moon lunar eclipse at the end of the month, as well as with the next eclipse season (January 5th and 20th in 2019).
Cancer is sensitive and a New Moon makes us feel like retreating, so please please please do not get caught up in your emotions today my friends! Take a bubble bath, apply essential oils, or practice a group meditation to stay calm within the eclipse energy. If unexpected things happen, don’t be surprised, just focus on gratitude and ride it out. Do not self-medicate your emotions with substances at this time, but find healthy outlets like exercise, massages, or simply comedy movies to keep your emotions balanced.
Ultimately, this marks a change in our approach…
Be sure to check out this article: 5 Things You Need To Know About Lunar Eclipses.
Be advised: Mercury goes retrograde in a week. Be patient over the next few weeks and stay your course without letting yourself get negative when you don’t see immediate results. Take your time in meditation and ask what is in the highest good for you to start and set the ball in motion. Expect some resolution on this to come next January!
Ultimately, eclipse seasons bring transformations that we, as astrologically informed souls, can use to pursue our purpose with even more clarity and vigor. It can be helpful to share with people that change is afoot so they don’t feel like they’re caught in the middle of the twilight zone, where everything is happening at once. Here’s a list of the eclipse dates for your reference!
Related Article: 6 Interesting Facts About Solar Eclipses