Enough with “Me and my broken heart”, Gemini. It is time you rewrite this story once and for all. Stop scraping wounds that are trying to heal, let the scabs fall off and get lost in the sands of time. You are protected, need we say more! This is not a time to hide behind the curtains, it is not even the time to wait for divine intervention, because the celestial realms are waiting to work through YOU! You may not be able to see every inch of a huge tree grow, it does, nonetheless. Similarly, you may not be able to see every inch of you evolving, Taurus, but look back to a couple of months and notice how much you have grown! It’s the perfect night to look for shooting stars, Cancer! You are living the life you once envisioned, and if this is not it, then what is. There will always be more you want from life, but today, isn’t what you have what you always craved for the tangible and the intangible?
Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.
What lies hidden is your potential, your roots and your ability to bear fruit, Aries. What lies exposed is the love and support you have gathered in your life. Continue onward humbly extending your roots deeper into the ground, anchoring yourself and your core to the foundations you stand upon. Because it is your roots that give you the nourishment, bandwidth and healing you need to continue on in life. The fruits of your labour are simply a result of a well nourished inner sanctum.
Cosmic tip: Fantasise about the best to allow great fortune to follow.
You may not be able to see every inch of a huge tree grow, it does, nonetheless. Similarly, you may not be able to see every inch of you evolving, Taurus, but look back to a couple of months and notice how much you have grown! Adapt to the current circumstance and view it as opportunities for you to ascend into a more expanded soul and notice how everything feels so much more manageable and worthwhile.
Cosmic tip: Water your soul by tending to your situation with love.
Enough with “Me and my broken heart”, Gemini. It is time you rewrite this story once and for all. Stop scraping wounds that are trying to heal, let the scabs fall off and get lost in the sands of time. As ironic as it may seem, each experience leads to learning and integration at a soul level, so instead of winding yourself up in history, assimilate the bitters as part of the flavour of your cocktail and enjoy the drink to the best of your abilities.
Cosmic Tip: Move on, live light.
It’s the perfect night to look for shooting stars, Cancer! You are living the life you once envisioned, and if this is not it, then what is. There will always be more you want from life, but today, isn’t what you have what you always craved for - the tangible and the intangible? Enjoy these tiny luxuries, perhaps even the big ones, and feel nothing but immense gratitude in your heart. There are more bounties on their way.
Cosmic Tip: A loving home, a full heart and a healthy bank balance - what more could you ask for?
Get out of that rut of doubting yourself, Leo. if there is one zodiac on the wheel that needs to take a chill pill on being over-confident, it’s you. And You have been busy doubting yourself? Why?! The recognition you seek is out there, the admiration you crave for will only come once you decide to make a move. Your actions bring you rewards, it is as simple as that. So get out of your mind and onto your potter’s wheel.
Cosmic Tip: Create your own destiny.
Allow the winds of change in your mind to breeze through the vast fertile lands you are standing in, Virgo. Ventilate the soil, sow the seeds, and bring your nurturing abilities to the fore. You see, things will begin to bloom faster than you expect, and you will look back wondering if it was easy or were you simply blessed. Either way, organise yourself and set the stage for big things to come.
Cosmic Tip: Cut through the fog by turning on your inner halogen.
Gift wrapped in this bodysuit, you are the stars breathing life in this dimension, Libra. As you focus on radiating only your purest, most profound light, luck, serendipity and blessings follow you wherever you go. You no longer need to chase sunlight, because you are the sun that you have been looking for. Perhaps, in search for a twin flame - you realise that the journey is all about becoming one with yourself? And yes, those still seeking love - set intentions each night to release any vows and memories from previous lifetimes that are holding you back subconsciously.
Cosmic tip: It is all connected, and you can see through the web clearly.
You are protected, need we say more! This is not a time to hide behind the curtains, it is not even the time to wait for divine intervention, because the celestial realms are waiting to work through YOU! This is a favoured time where you are blessed with the Midas touch - anything and everything you touch will turn to gold, so while you are busy creating your personal dragon’s lair, remember to share with your loved ones and only those relationships that water you, not drain you. And yes, stash something away for a lavish future too.
Cosmic tip: The elements are conspiring in your favour.
Tring tring - the cosmos is on the line with a very important message for you, Sag. if you’ve been busy benign too logical lately, quick - fan that fire in your heart before it goes out. Being a fire sign, you are meant to lead with what drives you from within, and the moment you let your rational supersede your innate guttal instincts, you begin to feel like a dense loaf - heavy and tardy. Cleanse your mind, your slate and anything else that needs a quick clean up. And get back to your OG style.
Cosmic tip: Keep going, despite the odds you can currently perceive.
Looking for love for a while, perhaps even your entire life? Not knowing what feels amiss even when you are with your tribe, still feeling lost and a tad alone? Capricorn, take that glass of water, hold it between your palms and imagine it being flooded with light. Now also try speaking ( even mentally) lovingly to it, filling it with only your purest intentions - be it harmony, peace, kindness, confidence or love. And slowly sip through the glass ingesting it’s wonderful energy.
Cosmic Tip: To create harmony, consume harmony. To create love, consume love.
Aquarius, stop thinking, close your eyes and simply focus on the point between your eyebrows - your third eye. Feel it gently vibrating, and if not, at least let yourself feel neutral about your current circumstance or question. Take a couple of deep breaths and surrender to that inner knowing that lends you resilient biceps in tough times.
Cosmic Tip: You got this. Now go on and create heaven on earth.
Pisces, love is like a vast ocean, brimming with abundance. While you may question its tangible benefits, know that its currents flow in mysterious ways. Acts of kindness, like ripples on a tranquil pond, send out resounding vibrations that entice blessings effortlessly like a magnet draws iron. Trust in the universe, dear one. Give freely, as the seeds you sow will return to you multiplied, like the branches of a majestic tree.
Cosmic Tip: Nothing goes unnoticed in the eyes of the cosmos.