Pick your priorities and stick to your decisions, Taurus. Your goals are simple more than enough to live a comfortable life, companions and a few good friends to cherish great memories with, and enough faith to flow with the currents of the cosmos knowing that you are on track and always provided for. What are you holding onto, Pisces, that is not letting you pick what you really want? This tunnel that you are currently walking through is here to lead you to a magically starry night where all that you have been yearning for becomes your subtle, honest and simple reality. The bridge that creates balance between your material success and spiritual wealth is inner reflection, Leo. Allowing your inner sun to shine through without really holding your past setbacks to heart. Focus on what you really need in the moment while also setting aside a little treat for your tomorrows to remaster your energy and clarity of mind. Be right here, right now, Cancer. You may have plans, but what is the Universe bringing into your life, is something you must be highly attuned to at this point in time. Rush never served anyone, patience, love, kindness and attention to detail are your primary goals currently. Expect forward movement on a career, passion, love interest and everything that is heart led, Aquarius! The thing that kept you up at night filled with worries and doubt, is the very thing that is beginning to bring in contentment, peace and love.
Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.
Something new may feel like a headache, but Aries, are you overcomplicating life? Sometimes the easiest way forward is to pick on the cues being sent your way and steer the wheel of life one turn at a time. Like all the mythical levers fitting in to shift and open portals Dr Strange style, you need to mentally flick off locks and stubborn jammed doors that appear shut to let some fresh air in. When life feels stuck and un-moving, connect with a tree, practice some grounding yoga, consume earthy natural foods to re-establish that strong connection with Mama Earth and notice your blocks being lifted away.
Cosmic tip: That idea is God-sent - get going with it one step at a time.
Pick your priorities and stick to your decisions, Taurus. Your goals are simple - more than enough to live a comfortable life, companions and a few good friends to cherish great memories with, and enough faith to flow with the currents of the cosmos knowing that you are on track and always provided for. On the surface it may need a long term outlook and planning, but under the rug - it needs consistent courage, grit and silent contentment to keep you going on your path no matter what you see and experience along the way. You must rise Taurus, and it is only you who can make the difference.
Cosmic tip: Embrace your emotions and trust your intuition.
Lift your hands up from your desk, tilt your head backwards and breathe deeply. What you are engaged in currently - that all consuming thing - is not going to matter a couple of years down the line, in fact, perhaps even next month. Gemini, allow your worlds to converge, collide and cascade into something bigger than yourself and your immediate tangible goals. You are pulling the ethers into the physical, so while you fish for the energetic, hold onto the lasso you hold in your hand to remind you of the physical and pull in with all your inner might. You don’t need to sweat it out, you can simply nurture it to life.
Cosmic tip: Let your wand create magic.
Be right here, right now, Cancer. You may have plans, but what is the Universe bringing into your life, is something you must be highly attuned to at this point in time. Rush never served anyone, patience, love, kindness and attention to detail are your primary goals currently. Your fears around dependence, perhaps even co-dependence, and mutual love and respect are the ones you must overcome in order for you to settle into the security and stability that you crave. Is this a speed bump or simply a call to keep it even paced?
Cosmic tip: Enjoy every opportunity to breathe in life.
The bridge that creates balance between your material success and spiritual wealth is inner reflection, Leo. Allowing your inner sun to shine through without really holding your past setbacks to heart. Focus on what you really need in the moment while also setting aside a little treat for your tomorrows to remaster your energy and clarity of mind. You will materialise gold from dust, but you must first become aware of the immense power you hold when you choose to be centered and grounded. Instead of holding on to past issues, believe in karmic retribution to remind yourself that as long as you come from a pure heart-centered space, no harm can reach you.
Cosmic tip: Merge logic with faith and worries with trust.
Be selective and assertive, Virgo. Your dilemma isn’t because you are confused. It is only because when your heart is full you can’t help but share more of you with others. Only this time, your Angels ask you to hold your cup as it overflows, but be mindful of what it overflows into. Fastidiously handpicking your engagements, involvements and threads of thought will leave you with more room than you can imagine for all the goodness you want your life to be filled with. Look forward towards all that awaits you - turn your back towards all that has vibrated out or is on the periphery.
Cosmic tip: Hidden mysteries are revealed when you are willing to give yourself a chance.
God helps those who help themselves, Libra and the truth of our Earthly dimension is that manifestations also need to be backed by our consistent, gentle action, to take life. When you pray for your life to be saved amidst a sea storm, Source sends help in the form of a lifejacket and a boat for you to jump on and get to the shore. Ignoring it and choosing to wait for the land to miraculously appear beneath your feet is like planting a tree on the moon and expecting it to bear fruit- highly unlikely. Make a truce with life, hand pick the solutions coming your way and look back at your past with an outlook to carry your skills forward, not your trauma.
Cosmic tip: Embrace the unknown to change the tides you are surfing on.
Material woes may have caught you off guard, and perhaps your love life may also be making you feel a little discontented in parts. But hey Scorpio, you have a lot of good things going for you as well. Being supported is not only when you receive it in a way that you wish for, it also counts as you being held when it comes disguised in other forms. As challenging as it may seem, try looking for the ways in which your life is panning out currently and acknowledging it at face value. Would it not be tougher if you had to do it all by yourself? Specific message for some: if you feel like picking the phone and reaching out to a lost connection - do it.
Cosmic tip: Choose your priorities wisely through this transition.
And we’re back to logic, long term planning but this time, fused with passion and drive. Sagittarius, instead of eeny meeny miny mo-ing your way through life, hold your sword close, look into the distance and wade through the waters that once seemed turbulent but are now calm and composed. Some of you have manifested your love, your relationships and your life - and wow, isn’t your heart brimming with all the goodness life surrounds you with? As you embark on this new chapter, remember to keep your heart full, your thoughts humble, your words kind and your actions gracious.
Cosmic tip: Thunderbolts often signify an oncoming rainshower that seeds life.
If life has felt cyclical in the sense that you pray, you strive to receive, you experience lightening bolts that crumble down all you seemingly build and then you build again - Capricorn, it’s time to replace despair and sadness with excitement and optimism for all that crosses paths with you. Your intuitive abilities are extremely on point and you know when something feels off. Which means you also know when something feels just right! So hello,listen to that soft little whisper in your head to rekindle your tenderness for life. You are not stuck in the rabbit hole, you are the master who can change reality at will.
Cosmic tip: Your job is to hold space for yourself and life. That’s all.
Expect forward movement on a career, passion, love interest and everything that is heart led, Aquarius! The thing that kept you up at night filled with worries and doubt, is the very thing that is beginning to bring in contentment, peace and love. Yes, you need to do the work, yes, you have worked on lightening your load and yes, you are right here holding this dream in your hand, although it may still be a tiny little baby that needs nurturing. Enjoy the everyday milestones and build up your life one brick at a time. For when you focus simply on the present, you construct a massive, sturdy empire with the foundations of love, passion and presence before you know it.
Cosmic tip: Reel your catch of the day in.
What are you holding onto, Pisces, that is not letting you pick what you really want? This tunnel that you are currently walking through is here to lead you to a magically starry night - where all that you have been yearning for becomes your subtle, honest and simple reality. Go back to that part of your past where you romanticise your life, your relationships and everything that you do to begin making sense of things once again. Your flow doesn't lie in logic - instead it lies in your ability to dream. Your manifesting superpowers are charged through the power of your naive, unflinching belief in you being the Universe’s favourite child. And yes, it is that simple.
Cosmic tip: Take that chance and ask your Angels to figure out the rest.