Your time for karmic retribution has been coming for a long time, Taurus, and here it is! Focus your intentions and energies on the abundance you wish to create by setting aside that ball in your stomach just for a bit. Wear white to absorb and exude peace, yellow for confidence and abundance and black for protection and powerful psychic intuition. You have been looking for your ‘secret ingredient’ and remember that in true Kung fu Panda style, there is no ‘secret ingredient’ it is all you, it has always been and will always be. What you are experiencing currently is transitional energy, Libra, and as the tides turn, you will realise that you were always good for it! Finding true love is like having a dog by your side that never wants to see you cry. You are being urged to remember that your personal power lies in your core group and the love they fill your life with, Sag. This is not a time to let your power trips feed your subtle ego, for this is a defence mechanism that you no longer need. You are the ropewalker between the portals, Aquarius. Highly intelligent, tuned into your spiritual feminine essence (irrespective of your gender), communally and socially driven, you pierce through the veil like no one else does, and today, you are being reminded of this beautiful skill you have incarnated with. You have purged what seems like lifetimes of grime and soot, Cancer and here you are with not only a brand new skin, but also a brand new vision that leads you to begin acting differently.
Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.
You are not like anyone else, within your circles at least, Aries, and that is not really a bad thing. You have your loved ones you hang with and blend with but with your unique stripes that set you apart. Now the question is, what really keeps you up at night? And what can you see easily that others can’t? Your intuition and in-depth perception is your precious pearl that you must always follow. The Pins and needles and the hair raising on your back is your energy interacting with you relaying specific important information - pay heed because in silence you will find your direction.
Cosmic tip: Gentle souls heal in retreat.
Your time for karmic retribution has been coming long time, Taurus, and here it is! Focus your intentions and energies on the abundance you wish to create by setting aside that ball in your stomach just for a bit. Wear white to absorb and exude peace, yellow for confidence and abundance and black for protection and powerful psychic intuition. Playfully lay down your legalese and fine print and totally detach from the outcome. This is your time to know and own your worth, diplomatically pushing the envelope to welcome it in your life.
Cosmic tip: Focus on authentic harmonic connection to expedite your growth.
If by some strange binding law in your head you feel that things must be a certain way for you to really progress, think again, Gemini. Your animal spirit guides are pushing you towards remembering that your true magic lies hidden in places even you cannot see. Instead of waiting for your fins to sprout, remember you can take a leisurely swim, either way. You have a huge responsibility towards yourself, and this time, you are being called to show up in style . the red carpet is not what marks your arrival, it is a byproduct of you having taken that dive into the unknown.
Cosmic tip: Good luck and magic surround you now.
You have purged what seems like lifetimes of grime and soot, Cancer and here you are with not only a brand new skin, but also a brand new vision that leads you to begin acting differently. Your ability to give is your biggest strength, and when you begin measuring this, your world feels lopsided. You are not a calculative person, so go all heart and let your angels have your back. Remember - you will always find something missing if you keep looking outwards, but when you really look into the mirror, you will be shown all the many ways in which you have gently touched and awakened the light in yourself and others. From now on, go only where you are welcomed, and then give your all.
Cosmic tip: Do your best and leave the rest to your star team.
What is the impact you wish to leave behind, Leo. It is easier to build castles than leave a true legacy that lives on in the heart of those you touch. Let the words that flow from you only be the kindest, the drive that motivates your actions be of the purest intent, and the gems you seek, be the ones that brighten up your heart. Ultimately nothing goes unnoticed, so be gentle on a previous version of yourself, forgive those who may have betrayed or condescended you, and look forward to a bright future that feels sunshiney.
Cosmic tip: Trade off barter for unconditional love to begin receiving now.
Pick your chosen few and stay loyal to those choices, Virgo. Zoom out, communicate and establish bridges where you can. It is never too late to begin, so today is as good a day as any for you to make a fresh start. Don’t allow your internalised dejections to make you feel less than capable and worthy of all you can dream of. Focus on the support you are receiving and live life with your simplest goals in mind.
Cosmic tip: Live, love, laugh.
You have been looking for your ‘secret ingredient’ and remember that in true Kung fu Panda style, there is no ‘secret ingredient’ - it is all you, it has always been and will always be. What you are experiencing currently is transitional energy, Libra, and as the tides turn, you will realise that you were always good for it! You always had the strength, the courage and all that was needed to see things through, and in some way, isn’t that true abundance? Sometimes, it is better to stay in your own zone, detangled from the world around, focussing on your own goals, finding happiness every inch of the way.
Cosmic tip: See the big picture, be graceful and surefooted.
Your strength lies in the way you build others up, Scorpio - your core networks, your relationships and even your unconventional ways of being supportive and present. While who you really are remains a mystery to most, the tales of your enchantment and magic precede you. Your guidance today is to simply focus on what you have to bring to the table, welcome support and assistance, even guidance if you need, and be that knight in shining armour that most people seek, starting with yourself.
Cosmic tip: Get creative and discover new ways of being.
Finding true love is like having a dog by your side that never wants to see you cry. You are being urged to remember that your personal power lies in your core group and the love they fill your life with, Sag. This is not a time to let your power trips feed your subtle ego, for this is a defence mechanism that you no longer need. Meeting your shadows needs courage, and you are being asked to bring all your inner strength to the fore and be of enthusiastic service in all you do.
Cosmic tip: You have never conformed, but also be vary of becoming a rebel without a cause.
What is making you feel uncomfortable, unaccepted and perhaps even slightly sidelined, Capricorn? It is not your eccentricities, but your expectations of being accepted by everyone. But hello, your cosmic guides have a reminder they wish to share - “Your love can only be received as deeply as the other person has learnt to love. Your light may shine bright, but not everyone is a morning person, and you, my cosmic warrior, are Mozart in a world of heavy metal.” Cherish yourself as such, and remember your value is not based on other’s reactions or responses towards you.
Cosmic tip: Each pearl is unique and the most authentic ones are irregularly shaped. Thats what makes them beautiful.
You are the ropewalker between the portals, Aquarius. Highly intelligent, tuned into your spiritual feminine essence (irrespective of your gender), communally and socially driven, you pierce through the veil like no one else does, and today, you are being reminded of this beautiful skill you have incarnated with. You are here focussing on things that are bigger than your mere existence, you are here trying to leave a tangible legacy behind that transcends sole material comforts. You are here to make a difference in the way things function, and your angels want to let you know that you are doing a great job at that. All you need, will find you - continue on.
Cosmic tip: Your present moment is the magical gift you are looking for.
Sometimes you gotta realise that you are your own treasure, your own guide and your own saviour, Pisces, and there is no embitterment attached to any of this. Choosing to stay lighthearted amidst all that is happening blesses you with illumination and gracious light that finds cures to the seemingly incurable - drawing in resources, assistance and opportunities that may have previously felt elusive. All the current cosmic activity may be leaving you feeling depleted and lethargic - so give your body the rest it needs and then rise again when you are ready.
Cosmic tip: Be gentle with yourself, because this is what sets you apart.