The cosmos communicates through you, through your heart center and it speaks in a soft but clear voice. What are the thoughts and insights that have been keeping you up at night, Gemini? Embrace the changes unfolding before your eyes allowing your soul to bloom through the magic you choose to create. Release your grip over tradition, protocol and even what you once thought was the norm or the way of doing things and look at where you are headed now. Your journey is visible only to you, as are your goals. Now evaluate how much of what you actually put out there is based on your inner instincts and how much of it is habit, memory and automatic response, Scorpio. Reconsider your moves, take a minute to soak it all in, detach from external voices that are distracting you, and find that one peaceful anchor each day to keep you going until you find what you are seeking or figure what is holding you back, Aquarius.
Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.
Whatever you are building - even if it is yourself, you are on track, Aries. The cosmic herald arrives just in time to let you know that you must continue to march on. It is in the face of conflict and adversity, that we find our people, we foster relationships that we take to our grave and even learn to find magic in the little things in life. Keep fighting for your cause, keep laying assertive boundaries but also remember to engulf yourself in the magic of the moment. A year from now you will be in a completely different and happier space, so mark the date and make your moves.
Cosmic tip: Good news arrives to those who expect it.
Have you been subconsciously saying no a bit too much, Taurus - if you don’t know here’s a cue. If you've been waiting on something and the answers pouring in have been “No”, maybe you have. If you’ve been getting exciting opportunities and you have been hesitating even for a second before you jump on to them, maybe you have. If someone asks you if you;d like a choco lava cake, and before you process the question you apologetically say, “No thank you”, maybe you have. If someone compliments you and instead of saying thank you and accepting the compliment you say something else out of obligation, maybe you have. Now you know what you need to do right, say, “ Yes” a lot more! This will help you flip your inner script and turn on your magical touch.
Cosmic tip: Only if you let the Universe know that you are ready, will it know what to send your way.
The cosmos communicates through you, through your heart center and it speaks in a soft but clear voice. What are the thoughts and insights that have been keeping you up at night, Gemini? Embrace the changes unfolding before your eyes allowing your soul to bloom through the magic you choose to create. The next free months are leading you upto something brilliant and exquisite - and we know you can’t wait for it all to unfold. For now, make meditation, journaling, and google searches your best friends so that when the time arrives your cannonballs are ready to fire.
Cosmic tip: Move away from always choosing the hard way forward. Life can be easy too.
Recall your power back to you, Cancer, because the past is gone, and the future awaits. Don't you let your past hurts and anxieties steal away precious moments from your present. Bitterness and grudges belong in the past and although you are in an in between phase in your life where newness is not fully here but the old is definitely further behind, you are being nudged to keep looking forward. It is not for you to stress over what people think of you, what they speak about you behind closed doors. You only need to focus on your core group that keeps you going even when all else seems dreary because these are the people who walk away from tables that run you down. Set an intention to seek forgiveness and to forgive all those who may have done you wrong. They are tenants who occupy space in your mind - rent free, and of course your energetic real estate is worth a lot more.
Cosmic tip: Instead of asking the monkey why it tore down your lawn - shoo it away and nurture it to life.
Is the mismatch in your expectations and what you’re being offered a mere indication that better communication channels need to be established, Leo? Material fears and insecurities should never come in the way of you asking for what you want and speaking up - even if tactfully- for what you feel you are worthy of. Your angels come in to remind you that you are worthy of so much and that there is absolutely no need to worry about a thing. Instead of drowning yourself in worries and sorrows, get an objective and favourable assessment of the facts backed by your intuition. Solutions will find you and distress will disappear.
Cosmic tip: It’s time to move in a new direction.
Micro-managing, again Virgo! In hindsight you may receive these wonderful insights, but when in the game why do you tend to get so involved that you end up measuring every millimetre of space, time, energy and effort that another must put in. There are a million ways to make a rainbow, you may go first with the red, someone else with the violet while someone else may begin with the clouds and yet another person may juggle between the sky and the rainbow itself - but what matters is that the rainbow is made - not to perfection, but to the best of the person's imagination. And yes, remember that each rainbow is different. So there is no competition in figuring which one is the best. Long story short, my kind and hardworking friend, stop focussing on the details that don’t matter, instead trade your energy for what enriches your soul.
Cosmic tip: Each day is an opportunity to give and receive gentle help.
Is the task at hand feeling overwhelming and daunting, Libra? And do you feel totally unequipped to deal with it all by yourself? You can always rein in support from the celestial realms and your loved ones. Just because you have been doing this all by yourself all along, doesn't mean you must continue in this manner even further on. It’s time to assert your mind, boundaries and directions onto the Universe while also staying open to the signs and cues being brought your way. Through your super organising skills and fantastic structural abilities, you will be able to ace this too, like you always do.
Cosmic tip: Moving slowly also accounts for moving.
Release your grip over tradition, protocol and even what you once thought was the norm or the way of doing things and look at where you are headed now. Your journey is visible only to you, as are your goals. Now evaluate how much of what you actually put out there is based on your inner instincts and how much of it is habit, memory and automatic response, Scorpio. When you look closely, not much has changed since a long time, and the only thing that can help you now is objectively removing yourself from stories you once shared so that the new ones that are waiting to be created, can flow effortlessly. This new person entering your life or an existing relationship beginning a new phase is all you have asked for. Gentleness and wisdom are yours to claim.
Cosmic tip: If you ask for the stars and you touch the sky, it is only because the Universe knows you can figure a way to get to those shiny diamonds yourself.
Sagittarius, you’ve always been one for saying yes to life first and then figuring the rest out. But yet again the cosmos is here asking you to pay very careful attention to your gut instincts and the signs that are following you - how much are you willing to give off yourself, your time, energy, effort and how much are you willing to accommodate another’s perspective and world view irrespective of whether it suits yours or not. It matters not how evenly balanced the scales are in the present moment - what matters is that we choose to remember that the Universe always finds a way to achieve balance, even if over lifetimes. It is not your job to calculate, it is simply your job to live and give with all your heart.
Cosmic tip: Focus on a job well done, and let the Universe sum up your rewards.
Instead of walking away, try giving this situation, relationship or challenge some breathing room, Capricorn. Clarity is bound to set in - it is always a mere matter of time, and when things are up in the air, then won’t it simply make more sense to let the dust storms pass so that you can see the road ahead? It is not the time to surrender your horses and take retreat, but it is a time where you may feel called to sit back and enjoy the sun set because you know tomorrow is another day with fresh opportunities. It may feel like the easiest option to let go, but is it something that would truly make you happy? Take time to recover, release your past burdens and make informed choices in the present.
Cosmic tip: Nothing ever needs to happen today. Especially when you can sleep over things and figure them out.
Aquarius, reconsider your moves, take a minute to soak it all in, detach from external voices that are distracting you, and find that one peaceful anchor each day to keep you going until you find what you are seeking or figure what is holding you back. It is not that you aren’t ready - it is simply that your energy may be too scattered making you afraid to jump over this tiny bump where your cheerleaders await you! Your angels want to remind you that the road may seem long and battered, but you’ve got this!
Cosmic tip: When you focus on the flame, the darkness vanishes.
Move, shift, take charge, lead - the onus is entirely on you, Pisces. What are you running away from, or better still what are you busy doing instead of your main thing? If mental fog pervades - hydrate, get up, take a walk around the room, deep-breathe and come back to your chair to get going. If there’s lots to do but very little time, then either you’re spreading yourself too thin, or are not delegating enough. Only if you make peace with the pieces of the puzzle you now hold, will you be able to find a resolution and move forward. Remember your guides have given you a lifeboat, now you just need to jump in for the waters to appear, taking you out of this canopy in unexpected ways.
Cosmic tip: It is the perfect time to choose a new direction.