Let’s face it, each day is a brand new start with its fresh opportunities, teething challenges and of course an award winning strategy that helps you ace it, with a dash of your secret sauce! Here are your soul scopes for today, with a sprinkle of Angel dust.
Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.
Explore more about your horoscope here.
Your Challenge: You're facing conflict. It could be internal, external, or a struggle within your own thoughts.
Your Strategy: A steady, methodical approach with consistent action will lead you to victory.
Your Secret Sauce: A need to trust your instincts and move in accordance with them. It really is that simple, Aries!
Cosmic tip: Pick your battles to know what you’re fighting.
Your Challenge: Successful and effective collaboration, harmonious relationships and teamwork.
Your Strategy: Try adopting a nurturing approach in all you do today, Taurus.
Your Secret Sauce: Let it all melt like a chocolate dome, uncovering the yumminess of life that lies buried within.
Cosmic tip: For fortunes to turn in your favour, you must be willing to spin the wheel.
Your Challenge: Indecisiveness.
Your Strategy: Cajoling yourself into taking action by using encouraging words and motivational visions of favourable probable outcomes
Your Secret Sauce: Work as a team - delegate, hire, come home to someone or something that feels yours.
Cosmic Tip: Use your mental faculties to think of solutions instead of perceived challenges
Your Challenge: Familial or interpersonal struggles backed by material insecurity.
Your Strategy: Turning your pain into that very strength that powers you up.
Your Secret Sauce: Boundaries, Cancer. Boundaries. Lay them, enforce them and live by them.
Cosmic Tip: Make gentle persistence and quiet determination your middle name.
Your Challenge: Nothing. All is as it should be and as your heart desires, Leo.
Your Strategy: Bask in the moment and enjoy every tiny bit of your blessings.
Your Secret Sauce: Stay present while you continue to make hay while the sun shines.
Cosmic Tip: Give and receive, work and rest, relish and savour - all in good balance.
Your Challenge: Everything is so clear that it doesn’t really count as a challenge, Virgo.
Your Strategy: Fostering your community, nurturing your relationships and celebrating life.
Your Secret Sauce: Trusting in the timing of the celestial realms, embracing change and learning from all your past experiences.
Cosmic Tip: With balance, discipline and self control all dreams are achievable.
Your Challenge: Taking that leap of faith.
Your Strategy: Unfreeze and have some fun, Libra.
Your Secret Sauce: Your sensitivity is your greatest strength. View it as something that gives you information about how you and others around you may be feeling, so that you can recenter yourself.
Cosmic tip: Step out of your comfort zone and embrace change.
Your Challenge: Work-life balance. Reassessing your personal life and trying to fathom what the heck can you do to feel at peace, Scorpio.
Your Strategy: Letting things be for now. Yes, the decision to take no action is also a decision!
Your Secret Sauce: Look at things with an open mind and find that willingness to seek a creative solution.
Cosmic tip: Trust your emotional wisdom to lead the way forward.
Your Challenge: A persistent head-ache like situation that just won't budge, move or shake off.
Your Strategy: Adopting a traditional way of resolving this challenge until you find that out-of-whack win-win-creative solution, Sag.
Your Secret Sauce: Recognise that you are not trapped, mon cherie! In fact, just because you are doing something until it takes you to the next checkpoint, means that you are doing what it takes to get unstuck.
Cosmic tip: If you are Neo, then you have no choice but to fight Agent Smith.
Your Challenge: New money cycles, relearning effective boundaries and most definitely learning how to receive.
Your Strategy: Pack your bags, make your plans and gear up to begin living the life you’ve been waiting on.
Your Secret Sauce: Enjoy the treasures of your cherished family, loved ones and make the most of time you feel you may have ‘lost’.
Cosmic Tip: Your history is history, the future is a mystery, your ‘present’ is a gift so enjoy it while it is here.
Your Challenge: Need to become a reclusive hermit, because the world is getting to you now!
Your Strategy: Sit under a tree, talk to the birds, smell the sweet nectar off flowers and quench your thirst with the cool waters that you encounter.
Your Secret Sauce: Going with the flow may feel OTT for others, but for you my dear Aquarius, this tendency to seem aloof is a life-saviour. Use it today, and thank us later.
Cosmic Tip: When in two minds, let your thoughts settle for your heart to zero in on one solution.
Your Challenge: Feeling torn between your head and your heart, your tribe and your gut, your past and your present.
Your Strategy: Find the courage to rummage through your boredom and grab that drab looking opportunity available for you now - because when you do rub this rustic lamp, your genie appears.
Your Secret Sauce: Trusting a higher power that reverberates through all of existence, Pisces.
Cosmic Tip: Embark on new adventures through optimism, enthusiasm and curiosity.