You are currently weighing your options, Cancer, perhaps considering changing the course of your life personally or professionally. Your guides swoop in to remind you to keep fusing passion in all you do, no matter what you choose. This cosmic makeover you have received over the weekend in the form of perspectives, rejuvenated energy levels, a renewed zest for life it is all coming together like a guiding force charging you forward in a million buzzing directions, Sag. Keep your communication and actions clean and ethical, your ideas to yourself and your passions private until you have something set in motion, Pisces. This is not out of fear, but simply the Universe waving a red flag for you around certain people and situations. Your intuition has been telling you to hold your horses, your mouth and your resources around a few people, and it is right. Who is with you for what, Libra? Are you tiding by because you feel there is little else to get you by? Having 2 people who really care for you by your side is better than having 10 who are simply there for selfish reasons. If something is draining you too much, dichotomy is not the answer, taking a stand for yourself is. There is so much you can take and that’s all there is to it, Scorps. Until recently you may have found yourself trying to tow the line, juggle many responsibilities and even let a lot of snide energy slide by because you felt there was no other way out. However, now it is time to say “thanks, but no thanks”.
Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.
In search of bliss and enlightenment, did you get lost somewhere in the game of entitlement, Aries? Conflict escalates personal growth if we choose to view it that way because it makes us aware of our triggers and also makes us notice how we navigate them. You may have been left feeling drained and exhausted, so do only as much as needed today. Get off the treadmill and choose to pause in life. Drop your guard, lower your swords and let your armour down. You are going to be safe, Aries, just ask your team of light to help.
Cosmic tip: Follow your inner guidance and choose to let it take it’s time to form.
Yes! You have decided to finally take that stand, make that decision and even put in the work that you need to to turn things around. Taurus, making peace with your past may have been the wisest decision you may have made in your recent times. Either you are already in a place of power and authority in your field or are rising up to take charge of your life in some way - whatever the case, your hard work, dedication and resolve to get this going will turn things around in your favour. You may not be seeing the stars yet, but that shouldn’t stop you from dreaming about them.
Cosmic tip: This is not a time for wishful thinking, instead it is a time to act upon your ideas to turn them into reality.
Something you thought of may have not worked out as planned, Gemini, but don’t you let that dishearten you. In fact if this is your fear around recent developments in your life - there is nothing to worry about because this wish manifested time is leading you onto a phase where plentiful opportunities will surround you and you will be in a place of power to select what it is that you wish to welcome into your space, energy and life. For now, your guides suggest that you continue to pour your heart into all you do because that is the true secret to your success.
Cosmic tip: The best remedy to avoid a headache is to stop overthinking.
You are currently weighing your options, Cancer, perhaps considering changing the course of your life - personally or professionally. Your guides swoop in to remind you to keep fusing passion in all you do, no matter what you choose. Use your intellect and strategic thinking abilities to outlive your short term whims and create something lasting - be it peace of mind, a legacy or even material comforts. You have magic in your blood, now it is up to you to tune into your intuition to make choices that will bring you all you need to design your long term happiness and visions.
Cosmic tip: Telepathic communication is your strength so use it to effectively channel messages to the cosmos.
The answer to your woes is here, Leo, in unexpected ways, perhaps, but it is. If celebration and kinship is what you want, it is what you must be willing to weave and craft in your life. Try not to let your ego come in the way of the blessings the cosmos is willing to send your way. They may not be what you asked for, but they surely are what is in your highest good. If life has lost it’s lustre, try looking for things that still spark joy in your belly.
Cosmic tip: To live in the now, stop living in the past.
You are breaking free from a karmic cycle that may have got you feeling sour and running round in loops for a long long time, Virgo. But hey, are you still choosing to carry forward that baggage with you or are you going to be smart enough to value your peace and let it all go? Your courage to take the high road will bless you with grander rewards - materially, emotionally, mentally, physically and even materially.
Cosmic tip: Pack your tiniest bags because it’s time to go.
Who is with you for what, Libra? Are you tiding by because you feel there is little else to get you by? Having 2 people who really care for you by your side is better than having 10 who are simply there for selfish reasons. If something is draining you too much, dichotomy is not the answer, taking a stand for yourself is. Ask your angels and the cosmos to show you the truth of the situation, and be open to whatever conspires in the week ahead. This is the eclipse week where illusions break only to help us see clearly. Stay open and take off your blindfolds.
Cosmic tip: Sitting on the fence will not get you anywhere. Getting curious will.
There is so much you can take and that’s all there is to it, Scorps. Until recently you may have found yourself trying to tow the line, juggle many responsibilities and even let a lot of snide energy slide by because you felt there was no other way out. However, now - it is time to say “thanks, but no thanks”. You are coming of age in many ways, believing in your personal power to overcome anything life may throw your way. You see a myriad of options right before you and helle, this simple decision to grow a spine gently but effectively is turning fortune in your favour. The universe loves someone unafraid to own their worth, and although within you, you may be crumbling to see things fall apart, trust that they are coming together.
Cosmic tip: There are more options than you can currently see.
This cosmic makeover you have received over the weekend in the form of perspectives, rejuvenated energy levels, a renewed zest for life - it is all coming together like a guiding force charging you forward in a million buzzing directions. Come rain, hail or storm, your willingness to keep your goals paramount will open up windows that will allow you to pull into your reality everything that you cannot even fathom in your current moment, but you desire deeply within your soul. The cosmos is working with you behind the scenes, so expect miraculous outcomes and plot twists that lead you to an enthralling journey.
Cosmic tip: What is leaving is only making room for what is arriving.
The end of a phase always marks the beginning of a new one. As worlds collide, they give you an opportunity to step into a portal that opens up an entirely new timeline of possibilities, opportunities and fresh beginnings. All that you have experienced and worked on so far, is culminating into this wonderfully enriching time that may make you feel like the tortoise in the race, however, you will make it to the finish line - a winner.
Cosmic tip: You can never reach the finish line if you give up before you give your best shot.
Ever noticed how when you stop pushing forward, your chariot begins moving at it’s own pace, Aquarius? That is the case with your fortune, your resources, opportunities and everything else in life. Allow yourself to break free from the illusions that you must keep doing in order for things to propel forward. And let this wisdom sync in - a seed needs much time beneath the surface ‘doing nothing’ for it to finally sprout and grow at its own pace. Collaborate, work as a team, synergise your ideas, share your inspirations and finally set things in motion. These winds are changing in your favour. Make the most of them.
Cosmic tip: Overcome obstacles with confidence and control.
Keep your communication and actions clean and ethical, your ideas to yourself and your passions private until you have something set in motion, Pisces. This is not out of fear, but simply the Universe waving a red flag for you around certain people and situations. Your intuition has been telling you to hold your horses, your mouth and your resources around a few people, and it is right. Part of avoiding being taken for a ride is being willing to be discerning about who and what has access to you. Stealth whether on your part or someone else's, never does any good. So keep your distance and stay happy.
Cosmic tip: Remember that you are blessed enough to not want to stoop to new lows.