What more of a family do you want than this, Gemini? This transcends your biological roots into your soul connections. When you tap into Source, your Higher self or simply that Life force that makes you feel alive, you instantly download and receive insights, ideas and inspiration that push you to do that one scary thing take the first step. In what ways was your life filled with or devoid of love, Libra? Nope we arent talking about just the romantic kind of love we are referring to every single form of love you can imagine. When you open your palms out towards the cosmos, do you realise you open tiny windows to your soul and destiny. Amidst a situation that feels constricting and debilitating you find your golden goose that leads to you fantastical lands of opportunities, luck and serendipity. Sag, a lot may feel lost your dreams, your hopes and your life but a lot is also yet to arrive. The key that turns the lock is right in front of your eyes, but you must be willing to raise your head up and take note of it all. Make haste slowly in true Augustus style, Aquarius. Think about your bigger plans, chalk out the steps that you wish to take ahead and then, get your ideas and inspirations rolling in an orchestrated and synchronised way. Your hands are what makes a mundane dish a mindblowing one as is your perspective on certain situations.
Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.
Your journey from the executive to becoming the CEO begins now, Aries. Well rested - mind, body and soul, eyes reset with night vision, heart full of hopes and desires and your soul waiting to bring them to life - what a journey it is going to turn out to be. The coming fortnight might raise eyebrows, bring unexpected shake ups and even force you to harness your inner strength and emotion like never before, however, it will all be worth it because on the other side, you will emerge more self-assured, peaceful, confident and content with yourself and your life.
Cosmic tip: Celebrate community and kinship.
Hold your gifts as tenderly as you hold your heart. Fight your demons as fiercely as you fight for those you love. Cherish what you have as endearingly as you cherish the innocent flashbacks in time. Taurus, time may have hardened you, but life is best enjoyed being vulnerable, fluid and free while also being respectful of what we have and how we can contribute better to our and people’s lives.
Cosmic tip: Walk towards harmony and fulfilment.
What more of a family do you want than this, Gemini? This transcends your biological roots into your soul connections. When you tap into Source, your Higher self or simply that Life force that makes you feel alive, you instantly download and receive insights, ideas and inspiration that push you to do that one scary thing - take the first step. You may find yourself feeling nostalgic about the good old days, but your guides are here to remind you that your days today are also good and happening. Enjoy them now so that they are added to your ‘nostalgia bank’ as memories that you fondly look back on.
Cosmic tip: Mind, body, soul, passion - fuse them all to experience something magical.
Step into your power and authority, Cancer. You are in a blessed space, you are at the brink of something new, and this calls for you to also ride out certain waves, play out certain karmic cycles, and simply stay patient to wade through these waters with consistency and grace. Allow your fortunes to overrule your misfortunes, your ability to find sparks of joy to overrule the underlying conflict that you know deserves no attention from you. What you are here to do is to create magical times with your visions and plans. Don't waste your fumes over a dead and rotten root.
Cosmic tip: Stand up for yourself by choosing to focus on what makes you feel light.
Getting bored of the wait, Leo? Well just as it cannot pour all the time, it cannot be sunshiney always either. This window that is opening up allowing you to see through to the other side of the wall, is letting in hope and dreams while also showing you a path you haven’t walked before. So are you going to take this on with excitement or resentment? Mystical forces work with you and you must look into the far distance for them to help you make the most of your now. Only if you step out of the confines of your current habits and realities, will you step into something promising and new.
Cosmic tip: To find the Queen, you must become the Emperor first and vice versa.
You may feel like you are dishing out a balancing act, however, Virgo, things have a way of working themselves out or not, of their own. Yes, as you focus on safeguarding your interests, tucking yourself away where no one can harm you or touch you, you must also remember that protection is very different from self preservation. Trusting the Universe enough to dole out justice and balance the scales may just help you enjoy your rewards and blessings a lot more than trying to crumble under the false pressure of having to do it all by yourself.
Cosmic tip: Take what adds value, leave the rest for the cosmos to trash.
In what ways was your life filled with or devoid of love, Libra? Nope we aren't talking about just the romantic kind of love - we are referring to every single form of love you can imagine. When you open your palms out towards the cosmos, do you realise you open tiny windows to your soul and destiny. Release the grip your past scripts hold over you - gently, one moment at a time. We know it is not easy, but all you need to do is try. Hurt people, hurt people, but hurt people also heal people. Who do you wish to be? Work towards that and make choices accordingly.
Cosmic tip: The world beckons, answer that call.
Take things at face value, adding your own spark of energy and vibrance to them as you move along, Scorpio. You seek freedom at this point in time - freedom from your restrictions, limitations, fears, insecurities and most importantly freedom from compulsive actions and reactions. Look at the finer details for it is there that you will find your answers. At this point in time, Scorps, you need not sweat about having to ‘do’ as much as you must focus on the vibrational match you put out there. You are no longer the driver in the front seat, you are the hand that holds the remote controls to the vehicle of your life and relationships.
Cosmic tip: Let your inner light guide you towards your promising future.
Amidst a situation that feels constricting and debilitating you find your golden goose that leads to you fantastical lands of opportunities, luck and serendipity. Sag, a lot may feel lost - your dreams, your hopes and your life - but a lot is also yet to arrive. The key that turns the lock is right in front of your eyes, but you must be willing to raise your head up and take note of it all. Yes, you thought the world could come of this alliance and synergy, and while for some things may still look promising, for a lot of you, you feel like you are left broken hearted. My fiery soul, pick the pieces and take your time to weld them together to create what you truly desire. Leave your baggage behind to begin afresh.
Cosmic tip: Whatever is tearing your heart into pieces is also letting healing enter you.
Behind that need to standup for your beliefs, plans and notions, is also the need to nurture and protect them while you let them grow into a healthy enough state where you can begin harvesting them, Capricorn. Amongst the choices that you are surrounded by, pick ones that have a similar thread running beneath the surface. This time of transition is real and you as you venture into new territory, you also outgrow older models of life. This is not about waiting and watching, neither is it about mindlessly doing. It is more about tending to things just enough to let them take on a life of their own.
Cosmic tip: Walk towards a brighter future.
Make haste slowly in true Augustus style, Aquarius. Think about your bigger plans, chalk out the steps that you wish to take ahead and then, get your ideas and inspirations rolling in an orchestrated and synchronised way. Your hands are what makes a mundane dish a mindblowing one as is your perspective on certain situations. Enough with the “I-got-an-idea-lets-go” phase of life and lets bring some more “I-got-time-to-take-poised-action” to the table. When you think long term before acting, you have the outlook to get an order in place on the things that you wish to create. Hold your sword close and your shield up, forging your path ahead with clarity.
Cosmic tip: Mental agility can get you the maximum from a situation than emotional outbursts
Find the strength to fill your cup, to draw back, to reflect, to float above the vast story of your life and then to dive back into the state of overflow. Pisces, when you put your heart into something, there is very little you cannot go for, and when you allow the cosmos to intervene and shape the path of the river of your life - you get to experience varied, jaw dropping, unimaginable landscapes that you never thought of before. Let that unsettled rage out of the picture and ask yourself what is the worst that would happen if you chose to pause for a brief moment. Nothing, that's right. So create from the deepest chambers of your heart and fill your cup twice over.
Cosmic tip: What do you wish to focus on now?