Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo Horoscopes | CHANI
Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo Horoscopes | CHANI
Mar 13, 2025 6:16 AM

Read your horoscope for the North Node in Pisces and the South Node in Virgo

A new season of glowing and growing

On January 11th, the North Node enters idealistic Pisces and the South Node enters detail-oriented Virgo for the first time since 2007 — and they’ll remain here until July 26th, 2026. As a reminder, the lunar nodes are the two points in space where the Moon’s orbit around Earth intersects with the ecliptic (the path that the Sun appears to trace in the sky from our perspective). And eclipses happen whenever New or Full Moons occur near these points. So when the lunar nodes shift signs, their change-making powers course through fresh arenas of our lives, shutting old doors and tugging us toward new goals.

The ancients conceptualized the North Node as the head of a hungry dragon, activating a ravenous appetite wherever it shows up. With the North Node in Pisces for the next 18 months, we’ll experience an upsurge of creativity, empathy, and broad-minded, bighearted imagination in this part of our charts. By contrast, the South Node is the dragon’s tail; it represents releasing, letting go, and catharsis. In Virgo, the South Node will help us ditch any unproductive habits or overanalytical, perfectionist tendencies hemming in our lives.

Easy does it

While the nodes ultimately serve our healing and growth, this evolution isn’t always comfortable. The North Node can provoke us to overdo things, and when it’s in Pisces, we may feel compelled to stretch our emotional, interpersonal, or energetic boundaries. While this increase can lead to stronger inspirations, heightened intuition, and more compassionate encounters, it can also push our limits too far. Think: spiritual bypassing, zoning out, and burning out. As with all matters involving the North Node, discernment and strategic self-restraint are key. When you feel porous, practice vetting the information you absorb and the commitments you make. If something seems delulu or beyond your capacities, permit yourself to say no.

Letting go can also be hard to do. When the South Node is in vigilant Virgo, our nitpicking and problem-solving impulses get turned up. Pay attention to any critical thoughts you direct toward yourself or others. Virgo’s gift is identifying what’s not working and making necessary adjustments. But if you’re judging yourself more harshly than usual, don’t buy into the negative feedback. These inner and outer naysayers may be arising so you can softly witness and understand them. Likewise, if your daily routines or wellness protocols aren’t helping, be flexible in your approach. When you work with the process rather than against it, positive transformation unfolds much more smoothly. Combine functionality and flow for dreamy results.

Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest.

Aries Aries rising

North Node in Pisces in the 12th House

The North Node in Pisces infuses your private chambers and sacred sanctuaries with an aura of dreaminess. Over the next 18 months, you’ll be driven to retreat from the harsh glare of the world and explore your inner terrain. Prepare your nest for hibernation. Whether that means tidying up your writing desk, festooning your altar with flowers and incense, or investing in a white noise machine, set the scene for calm, quiet restoration. Cultivating an environment that consistently allows you to get still and tune in to your imagination will launch your healing journeys and self-awareness to new levels.

While it’s necessary to clear your calendar and unplug periodically, the life unfurling outside your windows has much to teach you, and its lessons can reality-check the inspirations, fantasies, and revelations that flow through you when you’re alone. If you feel like you’re isolating yourself to an unhelpful degree, gently push yourself to reach out to others. Even if you just arrange a tea date with a mystically inclined friend, making contact has a way of grounding your magic.

South Node in Virgo in the 6th House

As you slink away to tranquil coves, focus on refining the practical rituals and daily routines that boost your health and wellness. Get precise about the supplements, tinctures, and mindfulness exercises that make you go “aah” — and the ones that limit your sense of wellbeing. Letting go of familiar habits can be unsettling if they’ve become customary. But smart, subtle shifts in our choice of tea flavors, breathwork styles, or naptimes can make all the difference to our nervous systems.

Remember: Our thriving isn’t just about our physical regimens; it also depends on the quality of our minds. If you tend to be perfectionistic or micromanaging with your to-do lists or smoothie recipes, interrogate the standards you’re trying to live up to. Sometimes relaxing on the couch is better for your inner peace than obsessing over missing a yoga class. Ditching overly rigid protocols helps any stagnant thought patterns get unstuck and gives your ideas more room to stretch and grow.

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Taurus Taurus rising

North Node in Pisces in the 11th House

Your idealism is on the rise. Over the next 18 months, you’re pulled to mingle with fellow dreamers who want to aim for the stars with you — and with an almost eerie sense of intuition, they’re equally drawn to you. Don’t be surprised if poets, mystics, and stray cat rescuers are newly magnetized into your orbit at the potluck or local co-op.

To make the most of these new connections, seek flow states with your chosen crew. Get lost in conversations about far-fetched theories and fantasy novels. Space out to hypnotic music. Swap lucid dreaming techniques in the group chat. And bring your heightened imagination to your social justice activism and community projects. During this period, you have stronger instincts for devising creative solutions to societal inequities. Brainstorm strategies to weave more compassion into your approach to collective wellbeing.

But remember to protect your boundaries too. Your increased porousness makes you more susceptible than usual to absorbing other people’s agendas and burning out. Practice regularly asking yourself what you and you alone believe and where you want to invest your precious time and energy. Saying no when necessary shields your softer superpowers from overexposure.

South Node in Virgo in the 5th House

As your social circle gets more ethereal, your pleasure pursuits are also shapeshifting. If you’re feeling ready to swap your violin for an oboe, seek a new type of person to swipe right on, or take up growing orchids just for fun, note the ways your desires are changing. It can be discombobulating to say goodbye to old hobbies, playmates, or projects. But pruning your list of preferences now and again is necessary for cleansing your palate and attuning yourself to fresh delights.

And if you tend to get hung up on small sticking points in your artistic endeavors or romantic escapades, give yourself and others more grace. Whether that means expanding your criteria for worthy suitors or redefining your painting techniques, weed out unsupportive thoughts. Dot your mirrors with affirmations that reinforce the value of imperfections. Practice letting your hair down at parties and channeling your muses without any filters, mistakes and messes be darned. Often, energizing connections and inspiring ideas come to us when we’ve cultivated enough inner spaciousness to receive them. Rewriting outdated narratives about your generativity helps you get what you truly want.

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Gemini Gemini rising

North Node in Pisces in the 10th House

Over the next 18 months, you’re chasing your dreams on the world stage. Your hunger to offer your gifts is surging in your career, greater calling, or other public roles. When you trust your intuition, your options multiply and flow more smoothly. Hone your sixth sense so you can identify the projects that are meant for you.

This is also an auspicious moment to weave more idealism and compassion into your ambitious goals and 10-year plans. Whether you choose to study altruistic business models, organize a community garden, or present your brand of sacred wisdom to potential supporters, seek luminous opportunities to approach your creations with more imagination and care. Transcend the appeal of a bottom line or an impressive follower count, and you’ll reap rewards that are more spiritually and materially nourishing.

While it’s fun to aim high, keep a strong tether to here-and-now reality. When you spend too long fantasizing about possibilities instead of working to actualize them, even the sparkliest fairy dust tends to lose its luster. Slow down your brainstorming to a realistic tempo, and your ideas will reach a wider audience.

South Node in Virgo in the 4th House

While your public offerings are expanding, your hearth might need a little tending. The South Node in Virgo is inviting you to sweep the emotional, spiritual, and physical dust bunnies out of your inner and outer chambers. Whether that means having a yard sale of old knick-knacks or detangling unsupportive childhood beliefs in therapy, it’s time for a cleanse. If you’re physically moving house or otherwise releasing ties to your abode, family, or chosen kin, be gentle with yourself as you grieve what you’re leaving behind and establish fresh, sturdy roots elsewhere.

Whenever you feel restless during this period of upheaval and change, ground yourself through familiar rituals. If you’re homesick in a new apartment, you can drink your morning tea out of the same beloved teacup. And if you’re rewiring your bonds with your early caregivers, you can seek comfort in the songs, movies, or games you treasured when you were young. Unburden yourself of what weighed you down in the past and cherish what uplifts you in the present — funky lampshades, timeworn scrapbooks, and all

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Cancer Cancer rising

North Node in Pisces in the 9th House

Over the next 18 months, your hunger for wisdom surges. Whether this yearning leads you to far-flung lecture halls, esoteric library shelves, or new meditation cushions, heed your urges to solve life’s greatest mysteries. Loosening the reins on your ego and rational mind will aid you on this quest. Rather than overanalyze your latest learning pursuits, follow the intuitive nudges, uncanny synchronicities, and auspicious epiphanies that illuminate your path. Forget about your rigid plans and flow with the cosmos’ ethereal syllabus. This is also a potent time to dream big about your long-range goals. Vision-board the aspirations that push you beyond your current comfort zone and stoke your faith in what’s possible.

But a word of caution: As your imagination soars, your boundaries may get thinner. Beware the alluring siren songs of charismatic teachers and soapboxers who may not be anchored in their integrity. If you’re not sure whether you should open your wallet for a retreat or a workshop, pause and consult a trusted friend. Discernment will help you identify the guides who truly support your growth.

South Node in Virgo in the 3rd House

Ready to ditch: overthinking. While you expand your intellectual, physical, and spiritual horizons, you’re also refining your everyday conversations and appointments. If you tend to overanalyze your small talk or spend too many hours editing your blog posts, it’s time to let self-compassion and generosity take the wheel.

The value of your ideas doesn’t depend on whether all your jokes land or all your arguments are airtight. The emotions behind your words can be just as resonant as the intelligent architecture of your self-expression. Allowing yourself to be messy, real, and vulnerable is an effective way to connect with others and get your points across. So play a touch faster and looser in your writing, podcasting, and other communication projects. And give yourself plenty of downtime to rest between taking strategic risks.

In the process, you’ll become more prolific and persuasive — and chances are you’ll sharpen and clarify your transmissions, on your own organic timeline. Withstand the awkward moments, and you’ll access even more grace.

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Leo Leo rising

North Node in Pisces in the 8th House

Pooling resources with another requires a leap of faith. Over the next 18 months, you’ll be deep-diving into the unknown through your collaborations. Whether you’re joining forces with a business partner, opening a shared bank account with a romantic love, or sussing out grants, scholarships, or loans, let your heart and your intuition be your guides to crafting generative agreements for everyone involved.

If that sounds a little vague, ask yourself this: How many times in your life have you experienced sudden epiphanies about an opportunity? There are often subtle clues — spontaneous goosebumps, synchronistic dreams, or even just an inexplicable sense of relief — illuminating your next yellow brick road. Heed these signals before you sign on the dotted line.

One important rule about crafting strong give-and-takes: You are a major factor in any equation. Don’t deplete yourself to make others happy; instead, advocate for the conditions that would make your own cup overflow abundantly. Setting boundaries is a supreme act of self-compassion — and ultimately a gesture of kindness to others. Honoring your limits makes your exchanges more sustainable for the long haul.

South Node in Virgo in the 2nd House

While you explore uncharted paths to fusing funds with others, you’ll also be sharpening your discernment about the assets you already possess. Whether you’re preparing to launch a new business, gathering money for a mortgage, or organizing mutual aid resources, it’s time to get precise about what’s working and what’s not. Ditch what’s malfunctioning, if need be. Don’t stress too much about shedding endeavors that no longer align with your goals. Your efforts are never a waste; they’re always useful learning experiences for your next ventures.

This is also a powerful period for examining the stories you tell yourself about abundance. Whether you’re grappling with your own scarcity mindsets or your doubts about achieving collective economic justice, get to the root of your thought patterns. A therapist, mentor, or savvy friend may be able to help you revise the wealth narratives you’ve been replaying to avail. If you reach a blank page and feel uncertain about your next practical move, remind yourself: Periodically clearing your mind can be cleansing — and necessary for rebooting your creative energy.

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Virgo Virgo rising

North Node in Pisces in the 7th House

The North Node in Pisces attracts swoon-worthy besties, romantic loves, and creative collaborators to your door. Over the next 18 months, your urge to merge, meld, and flit off into la-la land is on the rise. Soak up the interpersonal inspiration that the cosmos uncorks for you during this drifty period. Whether that means going to art galleries with your closest pal or trading notes on your dreams every morning with a partner, let your imaginations run wild together. Bonding over life’s less explainable phenomena and your subtler impressions revives the enchantment in your connections and helps them glow. If it starts to feel like you’re reading each other’s mind and heart ESP-style, hold on to your hat — you just might be.

A word to the wise: Remove your rose-colored glasses when the world seems a touch too good to be true. As your shared fantasies expand, illusions and delusions may also surge in your 1:1 ties. Notice when you tend to overextend yourself or put others on a pedestal. Resist the impulse to get matching tattoos with a near stranger or commit to someone who hasn’t yet proven to be entirely trustworthy. Anchor your unions with solid boundaries and reality checks. The magic that can coexist with the mundane is for keeps.

South Node in Virgo in the 1st House

As your close unions turn toward the dreamy, your personal development work gets practical and real. With the South Node in Virgo, you’re cutting ties with the critical tendencies that hem in your self-expression. If you’re harboring secret doubts about your haircut, your outfits, or your charisma, it’s time to let them go.

One sneaky way that perfectionism wriggles into our lives is through habits of micromanaging. Take note when you might be striving too hard to “improve” yourself, even through healthy means such as breathwork, meditation, or movement practices. If your rituals leave both your body and your mind feeling stiff and strained, go easier on yourself.

Permitting yourself to mess up, ditch your morning routine, or trim your own bangs may lead to errors — but also to greater self-acceptance. Treat yourself as an ever-evolving work-in-progress. You may never arrive at a complete, impeccably polished self, but you can have fun discovering who you want to be next.

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Libra Libra rising

North Node in Pisces in the 6th House

Your work and wellness routines are entering their soft-focus era. Over the next 18 months, your imagination takes over your to-do list. Whether you find yourself updating your vacation vision-board at your 9-to-5 or waking up each morning still immersed in last night’s dream, seek creative wisdom in the haziness. Take an extra long lunch break to drift through the park, count clouds, and read your favorite poems. Expand your roster of healers to include the acupuncturists, kitchen witches, or massage therapists who make your spidey senses tingle. Practice offering small acts of kindness to your coworkers and peers. In doing so, you infuse your days with more empathy and compassion for yourself and others.

But beware escapist tendencies. If you notice your fantasies getting in the way of your functioning, reel in your attention. While microdoses of make-believe can motivate you to get through mundane errands and tasks, too much of a good thing can distract you. Find ways to weave more enchantment and spaciousness into your workload while still managing the nuts and bolts. Your future self will thank you.

South Note in Virgo in the 12th House

While your inspiration surges in your daily routines, it’s time to support yourself behind the scenes. Start with reviewing the ways your sleep hygiene could be upgraded. If you’re considering silkier sheets, a more consistent bedtime, or a new dream journal, seek practical tools to elevate your unwinding hours.

If you find that inner critics, perfectionistic tendencies, or nagging doubts arise more frequently when you’re alone, greet them with curiosity. Impostor syndrome and lingering anxieties from your day are surfacing for a reason: to be lovingly witnessed and healed. If your worries are jolting you awake in the middle of the night, engage with them by writing them down.

Bouts of overthinking don’t need to be overanalyzed; they just need to be welcomed with as much compassion and acceptance as you can muster. Then get back to counting sheep. All your dreams are sweeter when you’ve treated yourself with kindness.

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Scorpio Scorpio rising

North Node in Pisces in the 5th House

Over the next 18 months, your appetite for a good time is on the upswing. Soak up the artistic inspirations, romantic escapades, and dreamy playlists that the cosmos is sending your way. You’re not simply hungry for a dopamine rush; you’re seeking the transcendent side of joy. Think: late nights channeling your muses into revelatory poems, meandering conversations about the universe on a first date, or the flow states you can enter at a pottery wheel. Embrace the boundlessness that comes when you truly let your hair down — and relax your ego.

But don’t get carried away by the mystical circus. Resist the lure of crushes who promise you the world or leisure activities that generate 24/7 swoons. The point of euphoria is enjoying a marked departure from the mundane; peak experiences, by definition, can’t be happening all the time. If you find that you’re overindulging in life’s finer things or otherwise numbing out, ask yourself what tough truths or heavy feelings you might be avoiding. When you excavate the core of your emotions, you can access satisfaction and spaciousness with greater clarity and consistency.

South Node in Virgo in the 11th House

While you’re living it up, you’re also sharpening your discernment in your community. Releasing or adjusting friendships, group projects, or interpersonal habits that don’t support you is tricky but necessary work. If you’re ready to quit overthinking your role in your social ecosystem, sustaining toxic relationships with frenemies, or overextending yourself in collective endeavors, be honest about your capacities and your needs.

If your connections and contributions aren’t healing you on some level, let them go. Review your calendar with a fine-tooth comb and RSVP “no, thank you” to the gatherings that don’t serve your growth — then rest in the ensuing stillness. It can be unsettling to suddenly have free time and space, but life’s calmer, quieter pockets are often when you discover your full potential. If you allow your inner GPS a sacred pause to recalibrate, it will reboot and redirect you to the people and places that are aligned with your aspirations.

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Sagittarius Sagittarius rising

North Node in Pisces in the 4th House

Get cozy and creative. Over the next 18 months, you’re driven to reimagine what home means to you. Whether you want to adorn your vision board with pictures of dream houses, recite spells at your ancestral altar, or reconnect with favorite childhood pastimes, embrace experiences that nourish your body and spirit.

Your foundations may feel flexible, but what matters most isn’t having one consistent address; it’s cultivating a sense of inner and outer security you can access wherever you may be. So whether you’re dusting off the beloved family photographs on your mantel or packing up a moving van, all roads lead to greater fulfillment if you approach them with an open heart and curious mind during this time.

This is also a potent period for examining any escapist tendencies that you may have inherited from your lineage. If you notice that you’re using unhealthy methods to flee tough truths or difficult memories, consider working with a therapist or healer to get to the root of your emotions. Whenever we’re numbing out, we’re suppressing our intuition. Tap into the source of your own imagination, and it’ll never run dry.

South Node in Virgo in the 10th House

Re-evaluate your 5-year plan. No matter how fulfilling your public roles and offerings have been in the past, they’re due for a refresh. Assess the current state of your ambitious undertakings, and be honest about whether they’re still resonant for you. If your career wins have begun to ring hollow or your volunteering efforts aren’t making the impact you hoped for, it might be time for your goals to shapeshift.

It can be troubling for our logical minds to reroute. But when we’ve already made headway on one path, that doesn’t mean we have to stick with it. Change is a constant, both in nature and in our personal lives. Sometimes we have to be willing to turn down an opportunity or pause a project so we can make the contributions we’re meant to make.

If needed, give yourself permission to release or delegate certain tasks so you can focus on your metamorphosis. When you do, you’ll re-establish harmony and flow in your endeavors — which will attune you to the intuitive hunches and cosmic signals illuminating what’s next for you.

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Capricorn Capricorn rising

North Node in Pisces in the 3rd House

Summon your local muses. Over the next 18 months, you’re seeking magic, mystery, and pockets of sweetness in your neighborhood. Drift between the nearby coffee shops, co-ops, and hiking trails that expand your imagination. Sketch the flowers blooming on your block. Decode your dreams with your barista’s help. You don’t need to travel far to pique your curiosity or fuel your art; you just need to approach what’s familiar with a fresh perspective.

But remember to take restorative breaks to decompress between your micro-adventures. Prioritizing activities that nourish your inner fantasy world will be especially replenishing for you while the North Node is in Pisces. Think: a morning bubble bath, an evening tarot card pull, or regularly scheduled space-out time with a pet friend.

When you feed both your mind and your body abundantly, big epiphanies for a blog, podcast, or magnum opus may come rushing in. Keep your notes app ready to capture your bright ideas as they stream through you.

South Node in Virgo in the 9th House

Question your go-to teachers. There comes a time in every wisdom quest when it’s necessary to re-evaluate your guides and ensure that their lessons are still supporting your growth. With the South Node in Virgo, you’re going through this review process for the next 18 months.

Give yourself permission to reassess your relationships with the mentors, professors, or spiritual gurus who have influenced your worldview. If certain truths were once groundbreaking for you, that doesn’t mean they need to resonate with you now. We can feel safe and comfortable in familiar schools of thought, but periodically leaving them behind is essential for our expansion. Be gentle with yourself if you decide to depart from an academic institution, course of study, or publishing agreement.

If you cut ties with an intellectual lineage, rest in the ensuing stillness for a moment. Our search for knowledge and greater meaning never ends. You’ll find significant insights in new and unexpected places — and quite possibly in the luminous pauses that arrive when you temporarily tune out other people’s opinions. When you relax your mind, your own inner teacher has the chance to emerge. Take notes.

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Aquarius Aquarius rising

North Node in Pisces in the 2nd House

You may be due for a windfall or an expansion of your abundance mindset — the next 18 months are unfurling a new story about money, resources, and self-worth. And your yellow brick road to fulfilling your material wishes is lined with the moments when you trust your intuition.

Give yourself permission to broaden your perspective beyond your current financial plans. Whether that means zhuzhing up your vision board, casting wealth spells after doing heart-opening stretches, or sifting through your dreams for promising business ideas, seek the subtle intel drifting through the ether.

Cultivating faith in yourself is necessary before you can move forward with any fresh income stream, investment strategy, or economic justice endeavor. Allow yourself to make mistakes and shift course as often as you need, and you’ll magnetize unexpected riches. Put out your cups, and the cosmos will fill them to the brim.

South Node in Virgo in the 8th House

As new financial opportunities rush in, it’s time to be more discerning about how you’re sharing your resources. If certain business agreements, collaborations, or partnerships no longer resonate, prepare to shift course.

Notice any subtle clues from your intuition about adjusting your exchanges — or exiting them, if need be. If you feel a fluttering in your stomach during a work negotiation or a sense of inner spaciousness in the presence of a potential roommate, treat your hunches as wise guides. Although you may experience twists and turns in your mergers over the next 18 months, assistance and insight are available to you, if you’re open to receiving them. Pulling tarot cards before signing a contract or meditating before a big meeting can conjure fruitful inspirations.

If you’re feeling exhausted or overburdened by energy vampires in your life, don’t be afraid to cut the cord. Offering yourself to others who aren’t returning your generosity is a drain on your time and attention. If you need help setting boundaries, seek advice from therapists, books, or trusted friends. When you honor the sacredness of your own limitations, you give yourself room to heal, grow, and access fresh sources of abundance.

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Pisces Pisces rising

North Node in Pisces in the 1st House

Over the next 18 months, the most riveting story in the cosmos is your own. With the North Node in Pisces, your charisma, imagination, and ethereal X factor are all on the rise. All your dreamiest superpowers are getting supercharged too. Don’t be surprised if fellow poets, mystics, and sensitive souls are drawn into your orbit. Your gentle presence is a subtle siren call.

Let your hunger for expression and personal development lead you to the writing workshops, tattoo appointments, and movement practices that reconnect you to a stronger sense of self — including both who you currently are and the part of you that is still evolving. Get curious about your unique experience of the universe. Create art out of your distinctive impressions. Dive into dream work. Protect and celebrate your heightened empathy.

Focusing on yourself during this period isn’t selfish. You have to be intimate with your own desires, preferences, and rich inner world to fortify your self-esteem and live authentically. As you reclaim your slightly loopy magic, you offer others a sweet permission slip to follow your example.

South Node in Virgo in the 7th House

As you explore uncharted paths to epic self-discovery, some friends, allies, and beloveds may not be able to join you for the long haul — and that’s okay. Our relationships aren’t static entities; they’re meant to go through cycles of beginnings, endings, and other organic transformations.

If your closest partnerships are shapeshifting, practice loosening the reins on your expectations. Resist overanalyzing if you sense that a connection or interpersonal dynamic has run its course, and give yourself space to process and grieve while you adapt. Sometimes releasing certain commitments is necessary to make room for more harmonious besties and soulmates to come into your world.

At other times, we have to navigate temporary pauses or bumpy adjustment periods. Seek the teachers, techniques, and tools you need to cross choppy relational waters. It’s a skill to express care for one another, and like any skill, it can be acquired with humility, curiosity, and patience. Love is a verb. Enter student mode and gather the lessons that will help you build your most nourishing and durable bonds yet.

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For more intel on the North Node’s ingress into Pisces and the South Node’s ingress into Virgo, check out . Or visit the Transit tabs in the to discover how the transiting nodes are interacting with your birth chart.

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