It’s time for another Mercury retrograde. What does this mean for you? Well, it’s not all gloom and doom, quite the opposite actually! Mercury retrograde is a time to do things differently and prepare yourself to pursue your goals full-steam ahead with more clarity once the speedy little planet of communication turns direct again at the end of the month.
All retrogrades including Mercury retrogrades ask us to take time to reflect on our goals, our approaches to those goals and see how our habits, thought patterns, and environments are helping or hindering our progress.
Let’s take a look at three of the most important areas of life and see how we can prepare our minds to use Mercury retrograde energy to reassess, reorganize, and rejuvenate so we will be ready for Spring and all the new growth that time of year represents.
Use Mercury retrograde to reflect on how your communication reveals your insecurities. Are you bragging? Are you really taking your partner in when they speak, making them to feel heard and supported, or just waiting for your turn to speak?
A Piscean Mercury retrograde is a great time to build a deeper emotional connection with your work. Find creative ways to bring more positive vibes into work with that Piscean energy and think about what really rings true to your soul. It may be time to rethink and release.
When it comes to food, revisit your health goals and reflect on what is best for your body given your capabilities, your activity levels, and your budget. Make a grocery list that you can use to remind you of the meals you want to make for yourself.
Finally, rest. If there’s one thing we can benefit from during a Mercury retrograde (especially one in dreamy Pisces) it’s some good relaxation. Find a friend that wants to go to the spa, let yourself sit and watch an entertaining movie, and make sure you feed your soul with inspiring creative things like books, art, and music. It’s the Piscean way.
Related Article: How To Use Retrograde Energy To Increase Wealth or Improve Financial Matters