Whether you’re separated from someone that you love or are interested in seeing where a long-gone connection is now, Tarot is thankfully always up for the task.
We’ve crafted a spread that looks into that connection and clarifies any lingering questions or concerns you might have had about the distant soul in mind. Tarot will be able to illuminate the answer to what is going on in any separation, allowing you to tap into the connection a little deeper than you might be able to on your own.
QUIZ: Which Tarot Card Are You?
Ultimately, however, this spread has a variety of purposes. If you’re interested in seeing your connection with the collective consciousness and want to tap into your relationship with the universe — something that, at times, can also feel distant — you can! Simply think of the universal consciousness instead of a specific person when using this spread, and you’ll be tapping into something entirely different, but of course wholly valuable.
Check out the spread below:
Below you can find an example of what the spread might look like in practice.
This card would indicate that in this situation, you’ve got a metaphorical blindfold on and aren’t sure what steps to be taking next.
This person may have physically traveled away, putting a strain on your connection, or simply be miles apart in communication. Their words may say one thing while their actions say another, as they may not entirely be sure what course of action they are taking next right until they take that step.
This is a card of stability and home, indicating that there’s something about you that still can remind the distant soul of a place to return to. The horse always comes back to the stable, after all!
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Either way, change was a necessary happening in your connection, and sometimes, that separates you in the process.
Typically, The Hanged Man foretells a need to sacrifice something in order to proceed forward, and that may be the case for this relationship. Perhaps in order to reconnect with this distant soul, there is something one of you must give up in turn.
Either way, the Tarot is with you on the path ahead!
Get your Free 3-Card Love Tarot Reading here
You may always return to this spread, as well as the Tarot, for some words of wisdom and clarity in times of confusion and change.
Feel free to check out our favorite Tarot spreads, or pick up your own deck of Tarot cards if you are itching to try out this spread!