Pluto, the planet of transformation, power, and rebirth, will enter Aquarius in late 2024 and remain there until 2044. This marks the start of a major shift in both technology and society.
In astrology, Pluto symbolises deep change, uncovering hidden truths, and breaking down old systems to rebuild stronger ones. When it moves into a new sign, it brings significant changes to the areas that sign governs. Pluto’s shift into Aquarius signals a focus on innovation, equality, and collective progress.
Aquarius is an air sign ruled by Uranus, the planet of sudden change and innovation. This sign is associated with technology, humanitarianism, and forward-thinking ideas. When Pluto enters Aquarius, these themes will become central to societal transformations.
Stay open to change and focus on learning new skills, especially in technology. Be adaptable and consider how you can contribute to positive collective progress. Pluto’s transit through Aquarius is an opportunity to embrace innovation and create a more inclusive world.
This era of transformation is one you should watch closely, as it sets the stage for the future.
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