Vedic Astrology, also known as Vastu Shastra, is an ancient science that goes beyond aesthetics, aiming to channel positive forces into our living spaces. It seeks to bring good fortune, positivity, tranquility, and serenity into our lives. Over the years, individuals have successfully applied its principles to create homes filled with prosperity and positive energies.
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Vastu Shastra is not just about adhering to architectural rules; it's a connection to ancient Vedic knowledge designed to enhance happiness and harmony. The term "Vastu" is derived from the divine being known as the God of Vastu or Vaastu Purush.
Vastu Shastra is not mere superstition; it is rooted in the belief that everything in the universe is interconnected through a subtle energy field. The fundamental principle underlying Vastu Shastra is that by aligning our living spaces with cosmic energy, we can enhance the flow of positive energy (prana) in our lives. The ultimate goal of Vastu is to cultivate peace, happiness, prosperity, health, and harmony through alignment with universal energies.
Basic principles
Directional alignment