Your whole life revolves around numbers—and it’s not just your date of birth, either! While numerology focuses on your life path and other calculations based on your birthday and name at birth, there are important numerical messages in your street address, your zip code, your phone number, and many other places.
Have you ever noticed any of them repeating, and what it might mean?
Many people believe that repetitive numbers – especially in mundane situations, like numbers on a clock or the miles on your odometer—are angels sending messages to you. Others see the language of the universe in math and perceive those numbers to be resonating with a particular vibration from creation.
However you see them, these numbers all have a meaning. Wouldn’t it be nice to know what they are trying to tell you?
Single-digit numerals are easy to interpret, but what about unique combinations, multiples such as 222, or compound numbers such as 1157? If you accept that math is a language, then try to see single digits as single words or simple messages, and more complex combinations as a paragraph, with more detailed information.
So, how do you work with these numbers? One way is to take every single digit in the string and interpret it on its own, then run the messages together, much like doing a tarot card reading when there are several cards in the layout. Another way is to add the numbers up and reduce them to a single digit.
For example, if you’re seeing 1157, you could treat it as 1 emphasized (Because there are two in the sequence.) plus 5 plus 7; or you could add 1+1+5+7 to get 14, then add 1+4 to get 5, and interpret the sequence as the single numeral 5. Both ways are correct. Use them both, if you like, for a thorough interpretation.
This works for any sequence of numbers that is personal to you, such as your driver’s license, or phone number, or social security number.
What is your life path number? Discover with our Life Path Number Calculator.
This can also be a reassurance that the newness is taking place, and you may already be aware of it. It’s a good omen if your house number or work ID number reduces down to a 1, particularly if you’re just moving into the home or starting the job.
The more 2s there are, the greater your potential for success.
There is a great opportunity for wonderful experiences with this number, but you’ll have to pay attention. 3 can also bring superficiality and distraction. To get the best of this number, you’ll have to be disciplined.
This is the number of practicality, and even though it may mean that things are very businesslike and you may be keeping your emotions well controlled, there’s still a depth of feeling here that may, at times, be intense.
5s represent growth and evolution, of walking away from what isn’t working and looking for better opportunities. If this appears connected to your address or your job, it doesn’t mean that you’re moving, it means that you have to be fluid in your approach to dealing with situations as they arise.
Taking time for yourself isn’t selfish; it’s often necessary so that you can recharge your energy and regroup your focus.
This means that you’re moving forward in this life and making headway when it comes to growing your soul. It’s not a time for cutting corners, though. Now the real work begins!
The more 8s you see, the greater your chances of wealth appear—but your chances of losing your compassion and faltering on your spiritual path increase, too. 8 is good, and a couple of 8s might be better, but several could be a wake-up call to remind you to keep your ego in check, and not get too greedy or miserly with your assets.
There’s a caution not to get egotistical with this number. If you’ve finally awakened into a realization, you may get evangelical about it, looking down on others who are still in the process of that awareness. This creates some karma around your epiphany and taints it, so don’t fall into that pattern of behavior.
Read next: Do You Know the Importance of Your Birth Number?