Shani Chandra Grahan is one of the rarest astronomical event, which can be witnessed by the sky watchers, who are always excited to watch something like this. This occultation is going to happen almost after 18 years and everybody is going to enjoy this rare phenomenon. On the night of July 24, 2024 people will witness this remarkable event.
Shani Chandra Grahan 2024: Date and Time
It will begin in the night of July 24, 2024
Grahan Starts - July 25, 2024 - 1:30 AM
Grahan Ends - July 25, 2024 - 2:25 AM (Aprox)
When to watch this event
The right time to capture this rare celestial event is in the beginning of the event or in the end as Saturn will be witnessed in the form of a ring so people will enjoy to witness this celestial event.
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What is Shani Chandra Grahan 2024
When the Moon passes directly in front of Saturn, hiding the ringed planet from view, it is known as the Saturn Lunar Eclipse
, or Shani Chandra Grahan. Saturn's occultation is an amazing event that offers a chance to examine the alignment of Shani Chandra.
Shani Chandra Grahan 2024: Significance
According to astrology, when we hear about Shani Chandra Grahan then it feels very scary but people must keep this in mind that it is not going to be as scary as it sounds because Shani is in its retrograde situation so it is not going to give its bad effects otherwise it could be malefic for all as Shani Chandrama together are not considered auspicious yoga. If we talk about the Yoga then it will create a Punarphu Yoga when they come together like this. If we talk about this amazing astronomical event then this is happening after approximately 18 years so definitely it will be a great chance for the skygazers.
How to watch this rare celestial event of Shani Chandra Grahan
You are advised to first choose a place, which is pollution free so that you can capture this celestial moment in your DSLR's and also you can use telescope and binoculars to have a clear vision. If you are in a pollution free area then you will be able to watch this event from naked eyes and for that you need to check the weather condition before that.