.jpg alt=Taurus glyph width=134 height=134 />TAURUS TAURUS RISINGAs Mercury enters Virgo, dust off your paint set, sort your sewing basket, and approach all your creative projects with more discernment. Now is the time to focus less on flights of fancy and more on the micro-strategies that bring your ideas more precisely to fruition. Whether that means researching a particular cross-stitch method or shifting a comma around is up to you and your muses — the magic is in the details. Relentlessly refining your pleasure palate doesn’t necessarily make you a perfectionist, but it does make you creatively unstoppable.Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo VirgoLibra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces You can read more of your horoscopes for the current astrology >here.