Dreaming of stars signifies hope, inspiration and guidance. Dreaming of the moon phases carries the idea of growth, of turning through each phase of your life despite how challenging it may be. Dreaming of water—the ocean, rivers or rain—is mystical and dreaming of trees represents growth, endurance and wisdom. But is there a pattern here Are all dreams random or can you know what to expect, when you dream, if you understand yourself clearly
Astrology can help with that.In Astrology, your birth chart is everything. The more accurate it is, the better it maps every single thing about your life.
For instance, your dreams are affected by your zodiac signs.
Aries dream of fiery things, mirroring their boldness and passion. Cancers may have more watery dreams, like it’s telling them to tap into their nature. Pisces may dream of oceans, put them on a stage of empathy. All these traits, while preliminary and simple, are a base level of identifying what part of your personality affects which corner of your dreams. It is not wholly reliable, is particularly vague, but it is still a starting point.
Planetary alignments
have a very deep influence on your dreams. At the time of your sleep, the planets that align in the sky also align in your dreams. Dreams during planetary conjunctions reveal potent energies merging, while squares fill you with a tense, anxious energy symbolising challenges. Trines are harmonious, they emphasise flow and ease. A particularly good, spirited dream. For example, a Venus and Moon conjunction may lead to cozy dreams, or a Venus-Mars square may lead to harsher, tense dreams.
Within 120 degrees of each other, uniting planets of the same element, a Mars in Cancer trine Jupiter in Scorpio, may favour ambitious dreams, telling you that now is a good time to do that investment you’ve always wanted to make. Tap into it, the cosmic currents are currently favouring individualistic pursuits.
But vastly, the collective unconscious is of great value to dream patterns as well. Universal archetypes, like flying, falling or being chased resonate with collective human experiences and transcend personal charts. What you may be prone to dream of may have something to do with more than just you, maybe even providing for a collective picturesque. All these patterns are pieces of a puzzle, you’ve to find where each one goes and viola—you may never be completely sure what you’re dreaming of next, the probability of expecting a particular kind of dream may get higher and put you at peace.
Afraid of nightmares Look at the sky and see what’s going up there right now. You may not necessarily be spared, but there is always a full chance you might.