Gomed is the gemstone of Rahu. It is found is a light to deep brownish yellow to maroon-ish hues. Generally said to resemble the color of cowâs urine or even honey, the stone is actually a variant of the garnet. Rahu is considered a shadow planet even though it is not part of the solar system. In Vedic Astrology, this malefic planet holds immense significance.This makes natives very secretive and defiant. The planet is disruptive and high on energy. It is said to wreck havoc with the mental makeup and peace of natives. These traits make the shadow planet come under a retrograde category.
Gomed gemstone governs the planet Rahu. The plant is significant of confusion and wickedness. It is the Dragon’s Head and marks that point where the moon crosses over to the ecliptic from the southern to the northern latitudes in the celestial sky.
Gomed gemstone ensures that there is certain relief from the evil effects of Rahu. It helps in clearing the confusion that natives with Rahu doshas face. It also helps in bringing in confidence, stability as well as positive energy into their lives. In case Rahu is weak in terms of placement, there is every chance that positive results of powerful Rahu might not be experienced at all. This could rather, make an individual prone to failures, physical ailments and losses. The gomed stone ring will help natives get a turnaround in such situations. This also helps fight enemies and remove fear, the natives who find the original gomed stone suitable will get benefits in settling disputes, attaining stability as well as getting relief from diseases. Also, there is strong chance that curses or black magic-based hexes will not be able to work when a native wears a gomed gemstone ring.
Gemstones have an important role to play in terms of how they affect the human energy fields. The thought process and the energy field act together to frame one’s actions. These deeds are known as Karma. These are all governed by the energy fields. In case the malefic planet is all in alignment with Rahu or if the latter is placed in 12th, 8th or the 6th houses of a birth chart, gomed is recommended to be worn. However, the horoscope must be analysed by a professional astrologer before the original gomed stone is actually worn.
When a native wears the original gomed gemstone in a silver setting—as a ring or pendant, there is a constantly vibrating power from the positive Rahu. This is soaked up by the aura of the native wearing the gemstone. This aura turns to be more powerful or stronger than the external energies of a negative note. Therefore, the natives get positive energy and develop stronger focus. Gomed is beneficial for those involved in business, public fields of work or commissions as well as in politics. The gomed gemstone must be worn so as to push a native for exhausting the karmic desire wheel. Once this state is attained by the soul, the native can move towards a higher spiritual level.