You probably know the traits and qualities associated with your zodiac sign. You probably read about them every day if you check your daily horoscope!
We all have our good and shadow sides to show to the world, but what about what we do when we think no one is watching?
Sometimes we need to unwind and indulge in behavior that reaches inside to a part of ourselves that makes us feel right with the world again.
Today we are going to talk about that and reveal the guilty pleasures of each zodiac sign.
Your guilty pleasure is cruising in your car with the music blasting and finding an open road on a sunny day with your favorite playlist providing your movie montage moment. Breaking the rules has never been so satisfying.
If you’ve had a bad day and need to indulge, you will whip out your credit card, fill your decked-out car with goodies, and spoil yourself with some retail therapy.
When you’re not holding your own at a party or flexing your debating muscles, we bet you’re deep in gossip magazines and binge-watching reality TV for water cooler conversation fodder.
A cozy blanket, a daring romance novel, and a box of good chocolate probably sound divine when feeling crabby.
Inside though, you’re as excited as a kid on Christmas to get up there and belt out a tune. After all, you’ve been secretly practicing in the shower to make it perfect when called to sing.
When you have a few precious moments to yourself after a tough day, you go straight for a treat. Not just anything will do either – you probably have your eye on sweet things like gourmet ice cream, pastries, cookies, or cake.
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Libra is romantic and loves the idea of being in love. Why not test your skills on the most attractive person in the room? You can’t help it, and it gives you a huge rush!
You are also scarily good at messing with people’s minds. You love a dark, intense psychological thriller in your downtime. You are also into watching documentaries about cold case files and murder mysteries.
When you’ve had a rough day and feel like letting loose, trash-talking with your close friends while playing video games or watching a romantic comedy are guilty pleasures that make you whole again.
After all that responsibility, your guilty pleasure is taking an afternoon off, heading for a massage, some take-out food, and a night with your phone and e-mail turned off.
You love this type of night out with friends, but you might even secretly go alone – to prove you can solve them alone!
When you need a break, you indulge in your guilty pleasure of a night out at a music festival or concert. You love a night of getting tipsy and appreciating some gorgeous music with people of like mind and spirit to inspire your artistic side.
Guilty pleasures help us de-stress and bring back some balance in our hectic lives.
If you indulge in your guilty pleasure in moderation, most are a healthy way to escape from reality for a little while. Do you identify with any of these guilty pleasures? If you haven’t tried them already, what’s holding you back?
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