Are you ready for your weekly numerology forecast?
We’re entering mid-July, which keeps us in the heart of summer. The big news this week is that we’ve got a Full Supermoon in Capricorn on the 13th, which is promising big changes.
What is Capricorn known for? This Cardinal Earth sign is big on responsibility, and Capricorn people can spend lifetimes balancing a sense of responsibility—it’s a big theme in their lives.
Capricorn is a Cardinal sign too, so it is a doer. This sign doesn’t just think about what it wants to get done; it actually goes out there and does it. When Capricorn is able to find that perfect balance between the material and spiritual, it becomes a phenomenal driving force for good in this world.
So this Supermoon will be highlighting these aspects to us. It will call us to take responsibility for our lives and the way things are going.
If we are feeling unfulfilled, this Supermoon will force us to acknowledge actions that are self-sabotaging and preventing us from reaching our full potential.
Remember, Capricorn is represented by the sea goat—and this is one determined creature that is committed to reaching the top of that mountain but is also capable of plunging to the depths of the ocean!
In short, the Full Supermoon in Capricorn encourages us to accept and embrace who we truly are and to direct our energy into what we truly want in life. This is why this week’s numerology forecast will focus on your Hidden Passion Number and reveal what your dreams are!
This forecast will focus on your Hidden Passion Number. Your Hidden Passion Number reveals the strengths and abilities that are unique to you as an individual.
Capricorn is a sign that must learn how to balance the spiritual world and physical world in a way that is beneficial for them and for the world at large. It is easy for them to stray too far into one or another multiple times throughout their lifetimes, but once this balance is achieved, their unique gifts are harnessed for the highest good.
This is why Capricorn is represented by The Devil in Tarot. The Devil card represents the chains of materialism and an absence of the spiritual path. It highlights the struggle that Capricorn goes through to find its higher path.
When you are aware of your Hidden Passion Number, you are then able to see how it affects you on a daily basis and recognize whether you are acting in accordance with your hidden passions, which lead you to your life purpose.
The more you are able to utilize your strengths, gifts, and talents, the more confidence you will feel in pursuing your soul path.
An overindulgence in materialism often blocks us from living out our soul path. Materialism acts as an easy substitute for our heart’s desire. This often means our inner strengths and talents are either suppressed or harnessed for material purposes that go against the wishes of our souls.
It is when Capricorn harnesses their material power for their spiritual path that it becomes used for the highest good.
Remember: you can have more than one Hidden Passion Number.
Once you’ve found your number(s), read on to find out more about it and how you can apply it to the upcoming Supermoon.
During this Supermoon, think about areas of your life where you are exerting your personal power. Are you making the most of your abilities? Are you using them for the wrong reasons? Or do you use your gifts in line with your true purpose?
This Supermoon encourages you to think about where you may be taking on too much responsibility, especially on an emotional level. Do you feel like too much of an emotional sponge at times? How much time do you dedicate to focusing on your emotional well-being?
This Supermoon asks you to take a step back and think about whether you finished what you started. Do you find that bright ideas tend to fizzle out? Do you struggle to see things through to the long-term?
This Supermoon, consider where you may need to grant leeway in your plans or relationships. Is stubbornness getting the better of you? Does there need to be a greater compromise in your life?
This Supermoon, ask yourself which areas of your life deserve your full commitment. Have you been avoiding full commitment to areas that ought to have your full attention? Which relationships, projects, and hobbies no longer serve you or help your spiritual growth?
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This Supermoon, consider where your energies are being spent. Are you taking on too much of the load? Should you relinquish some of the responsibility to others? Is there someone in your life who is not taking their fair share?
This Supermoon, ask yourself how much of yourself you are giving to others and how much you are keeping for yourself. Do you have balance in your relationships? Do you keep yourself too closed off at times on an emotional level?
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This Supermoon, ask yourself where compromise needs to be made. Do you have a good balance in your life? Are there areas of it where meeting in the middle ground is necessary?
This Supermoon, consider where you may need to face issues from your past that are holding you back. What areas of your past are blocking you from reaching your true potential? How can you release it?
Your Hidden Passion Number will come out naturally, and the universe will help things move along by throwing things in your direction that makes you aware of your hidden passion and how it is guiding you at this time.
Embracing your true authentic self is key during this powerful lunar energy so let the lunar energy and your weekly numerology forecast help guide you!
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