Two fun, productive planetary movements are underway this week. The question is… how will they affect you?
On July 10th, Mars — planet of drive and anger — will move into highly productive and adaptable Virgo. This powerful transit can help us tackle tasks and projects with more ferocity, helping us keep our eye on the prize in the meanwhile.
Right afterward, Mercury will enter bold and dramatic Leo on the 11th. The planet of communication and thought linking up with this creative sign can help us find fun, joy, and enthusiasm within how we express ourselves.
Of course, the question remains… how will this manifest on a personal level? We’ve checked in with the Tarot to see some of the finer details for your week ahead.
With the Knight of Wands reversed, it’s clear that your sense of ambition, willpower, and drive are at the forefront of everything right now. You do want to take risks and move productively and confidently, but something is all clogged up in the engine.
For some of you, it may manifest as being easily angered or frustrated. For others, this could take the form of being burnt out after moving too fast initially.
This week, taking a breather and not making any rash decisions is the ideal way forward.
This week, The Hanged Man makes it clear that it’s time to take a step back and see new points of view.
Perhaps you’ve been making moves and trying to stay productive for so long that you haven’t gotten much of a chance to take a breather and just examine the facts. Now is a time for self-reflection and objective contemplation.
How will you make space for this reflective energy this week?
Thanks to the 8 of Pentacles, you can bet that a good amount of your to-do list will be checked off this week. Of course, the key is already having an existing to-do list.
This week is not about pursuing something new and random but instead working through existing goals and ideas you already had on the table.
Knowing you, there are probably more than a few unfinished projects and ideas that could use your attention!
Contrary to popular belief, the sign of the crab is not actually just about sitting back and being soft and emotional. Of course, you have that side of you, but you’re a Cardinal sign at heart — leadership material for sure.
The 7 of Wands describes how this week is all about independently going against the odds and putting forth effort, sweat, and tears to make sure that you come out on top.
No one is coming around to save you and offer a helping hand with everything you need to get done… but you don’t need it either.
The King of Wands reversed warns against being too ego-driven, aggressive, or competitive right now. You may be feeling the heat, but it’s important to know where to channel all that energy.
You may want to put important decisions on hold for now, as impulse and ego may be stronger forces in calling those shots than you realize.
If you want a chance to lead independently and properly, sometimes it’s important to remember that this can occasionally involve being the one to pass the baton to someone else.
We all know Virgo could use this kind of vibe — you’re particularly prone to thinking you can juggle the whole wide world and sometimes biting off more than you can chew in order to maintain the image of perfection.
But with the 10 of Wands reversed, it’s time to admit where you need to release burdens, baggage, and excess responsibilities and ideas.
You may feel the instinct that it’s time to move on to something bigger and better. But in order to do so, you need to cleanse the palette of what currently exists.
Although the 4 of Wands reversed isn’t all gloom and doom, it can still make you feel like the community and friends that usually support you aren’t as unshaken and warm right now.
This could range from a small feeling of awkward distance to more obvious bickering or fracturing within friend groups and relationships.
Either way, remember that this stuff is temporary — sometimes, we just aren’t meshing with others for the time being.
The Page of Pentacles reversed notes of inexperience and a need for further planning and examination. Especially in career and home-related ventures, you may feel equipped to proceed with new ideas, but overall, you still need more time and consideration.
This doesn’t mean that you need to throw the baby out with the bathwater and ignore all ideas you’re excited about this week.
But this card asks that you be more patient and perhaps even ask for a second opinion before making any major decisions.
With the 5 of Wands on the table this time, this period of time is less about emotional disappointments and setbacks and more about external chaos that seems to be brewing.
This one is much less in your control. After a week of dealing with your own internal fog, a sudden haze has also fallen over the world around you, clogging your ability to proceed as usual.
Stay out of the chaos — don’t try to mediate, intervene, or “fix” things, especially when they don’t concern you. It’s tempting to play peacemaker, but like how the weather changes on its own, sometimes it’s best to let it all blow over.
The 7 of Swords hints that you may be feeling the impulse to push ahead of the crowd with mischief, shortcuts, or playing by your own rules. Life isn’t fair, and people around you may be cutting ahead by unsavory means.
While this card can bring creative ideas to the forefront, you do need to examine how worthwhile each one actually is carefully.
Just because it can bring you success doesn’t mean the end will justify the means.
We often think of 10 of Cups outcomes as something distant — moments in time when we are fully satisfied and have all of our dreams come true. However, there are also times in our lives when we look back on the memories and think: “I didn’t even realize how good I had it then.”
You may be living through one of these moments right now — a time where future, you will look fondly back on these memories.
What little things bring you joy? What gratitude can you offer to the Universe at this time?
The 6 of Pentacles reversed last week asked you to consider what you were giving away to others and why. This week, the 10 of Pentacles reversed points out areas in your current lifestyle that may be misaligned with a long-term vision for your future.
In the moment, it may feel like a bunch of little things are popping up to irritate you for no reason.
However, these little things that feel “off” can actually be signs of what needs to be changed or altered for the sake of something better down the line.
Maybe it was full of positive omens that you wanted to see, or maybe it contained a few truths that weren’t as easy to stomach. Maybe you’re feeling ready to face the world… or maybe you’re still needing some extra help on the way out.
No matter what, we can all use a little extra help and preparation. Here’s your guide to navigating the week ahead:
discover how to navigate Mercury in Leolearn more about Mars in Virgoreview the bigger picture with your July 2023 TarotscopesLearn more about the Tarot: 5 Common Beginner Tarot Mistakes Everyone Makes